Saturday, August 31, 2019

Can You Imagine a World Without a Superpower?

Coined by Dutch-American geo-strategist Nicholas Spykman in 1943, the political term ‘superpower’ is used to refer to a country with the ability to influence events or project power on a global scale. ’ It is difficult, if not impossible to envisage a world without a superpower. There are a number of reasons to support this assumption. We begin with the first and most blaring- It is simply difficult to imagine a world without a superpower because history itself has shown that there has yet to come a time when one or more powers do not rise above its counterparts in terms of economic and/or political factors to the extent that they are able to impact various issues on a global level. From the ancient civilizations such as the Persian, Roman, Mongol, Portuguese and Spanish empires to the Russia during the Cold War and the USSR today, we have yet to observe a period of time when the world has observed an equitable balance of power. It can be argued that just because it has not happened yet, does not mean it will not happen one day. This is a firm basis for a counter-argument, however, it must be understood that in the foreseeable future, with more and more powers working towards this ‘superpower’ status (examples include China, Brazil, India and Russia), a world without superpowers is merely a sanguine, idealistic idea. Another issue that would make a world without a superpower a seemingly utopian concept is the difficulty of administrating such a world. Indeed, if no policing power (such as the USA) had the ability to influence global issues, the world would lack a clear sense of direction. Indeed, major decisions would probably be taken by a representative, multilateral body such as the UN (without a system of permanent seats). In such a scenario, it would be quite difficult to please all the parties involved and a conflict of interest would be inevitable. In a setup such as today, whereby the United States largely acts as the dominant political enigma, at least decisions are made and issues addressed. For example, in 1991, when the USSR was finally removed from its position as the dominant power of Eastern Europe, its surrounding sphere of influence fell into a spiral of economic and political despair. One can only imagine the repercussions if this happened on global level. According to Professor Niall Ferguson at New York University’s Stern School of Business ‘power, like nature, abhors a vacuum. In the history of world politics, it seems, someone is always the hegemon, or bidding to become it. ’ This idea proposed by professor Ferguson, is based on the theory that inherently, every country would like power. It is this elusive pull of power and all that it brings with it that would make a world without a superpower merely a product of idealism.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Freshwater Biome Essay

The Freshwater Biome By Lauren Finnis The freshwater biome is a complex biome that can be found all over the world. There are two major types of freshwater biomes. The first type is lotic or running which include rivers and streams. Lentic or standing is the second type; those include lakes and ponds. Since this biome is found worldwide, the species that reside in it can vary extensively, but usually it contains several species of fish, plants, and insects. Predation is a way of life in the freshwater biome. It is the main way food and energy are obtained by most of the organisms. The plankton, algae, and weeds that produce their own food through photosynthesis are eaten by the smaller fish like the minnows. Then larger fish like bass, trout, and pike eat these smaller fish. Finally birds, large mammals, and humans catch the large fish. In the freshwater biome, there are several examples of symbiosis. The relationship between the freshwater sponge and spongillafly is an example of paratism. The spongillafly lays its eggs on the sponge, and then they hatch and feed off the sponge. Another parasite is the flatworm. It resides in organisms such as the snail and can infect them with deadly diseases. There are also examples of commensalism in this biome. First is the relationship between small fish and the pond weeds; the fish hide between these weeds from larger fish. Another relationship of this type is the one between oysters and the mangrove trees. The oyster anchor and protect themselves with the roots of the tree. Finally there are also examples of mutaulistic relationships. For example some small fish enter clean the mouths of larger fish, and in exchange, they may eat whatever they clean out. There are several limiting factors in the freshwater biome. One of the most important is the availability of sunlight. In areas with little sunlight, photosynthesis can not occur; therefore, most plants can not live. Since  plants are the base of the food chain the whole ecosystem falls apart. Salinity is also a limiting factor. In freshwater areas, there must be a salinity of .05% or less for most organisms to survive. Humans are actually limiting factors also. We destroy and pollute habitats and eat the animals and plants in the biome. Population density in the freshwater biome varies greatly. In rivers or streams, density is usually lower in the faster moving biomes because organisms must fight the current. In lakes and ponds, the topmost areas usually are more dense because there is an ample supply of light for photosynthesis. The highest densities will probably be found in the more temperate areas that organisms can adapt to more easily. The carrying capacity of the freshwater biome depends on the size, location, and availability off light. Biotic potentials in the biome are most likely extremely large. This is because the main organisms are fish, which lay eggs in numerous amounts. Of course the carry and the biotic potential are rarely met because there are natural enemies and predator. There are also billions of one of the most deadly predator to the biome, humans.

Crucible Study Essay

Between February 1692 and may 1693 there were a series of hangings because of people accused of witchcraft in Salem Massachusetts. I think Abigail is the guiltiest person in the Crucible because she had an affair with John Proctor and tried to kill his wife. Abigail convinced a lot of people that witchcraft was real or intimidated them into going along with it. She also convinced the girls and herself to send many to their deaths. The first reason I believe Abigail is guilty is that she had an affair with John Proctor and tried to kill his wife. The affair happened when Abigail was in service as a maid to John and Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth was sickly and bedridden at the time. Then later in the story she stuck a needle in the poppet that Mary was making in the court house and accused Elizabeth of witchcraft so that when they go to search Elizabeth Proctor’s house, they would find the poppet with a needle stuck into it and then Abigail stabbed her self in the gut with a smal l needle to make it appear like voodoo. So then Elizabeth would get arrested and tried as a witch. If she wouldn’t confess then she would hang witch is exactly what Elizabeth wanted. She also approached John when he was alone multiple times trying to convince him to leave Elizabeth and run away with her. The more John ignored her and told her it wasn’t going to happen the more irritated and desperate she got driving Abby to get Elizabeth hung as mentioned above. The second reason I believe she is the guiltiest person in the novel is that she convinced a lot of people that witchcraft was real or intimidated them into going along with it. Such as when Parris sees them dancing in the woods she tries to cover it up and insists that nothing happened in the woods. But after continuous questioning and pressure she says that Tituba and Ruth were conjuring the spirits of Putnam’s dead babies. Mercy then shows up when Parris leaves and Abigail tells Mercy to say that they were dancing in the woods and that Parri s saw her naked. Abigail then tries to wake Betty to talk to her but she keeps faking ill. Abby tries to tell Betty that she admitted everything to Parris and that it’s ok now. But then Betty suddenly  wakes and tells Abby that she didn’t admit to drinking blood and drinking a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife. And then later when Mary tries to get Abby to confess she says â€Å"Witchery’s a hangin’ error! You’ll only be whipped for dancin’, and the other things!† But Abby tells her that they all took part so all of the girls would be whipped. Abby then tells the whole group of them that if anybody tells she’ll kill them in their sleep. And tells them you all know I can because my parents were killed by Indians in front of me when I was very young. The Final reason I believe that she is to blame is that she convinced or used the girls and herself to send many to their deaths. One of the first examples is how she used Mary Warren to get at Elizabeth Proctor by shoving the needle in Mary’s poppet that she was making for Elizabeth so that she could accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft and have her hung. Another good example is how she acted as if Mary Warren was sending her sprit out as a bird with talons and huge wings to make Mary seem like a witch when she was going to confess the truth behind the girls’ lies, and also how the girls were influenced by Abby’s actions. So in conclusion, Abigail had an affair with John Proctor and tried to kill his wife. She convinced many that witch craft was real or intimidated and threatened them into going along with it. Abigail also got or used the girls to send many people to jail and many to their deaths. Those are the reasons I am forced to believe that Abigail is to blame and it the guiltiest person in the story. Work Cited Mary Warren’s Quotes pages 18-19 Act One

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Power, poliics and knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Power, poliics and knowledge - Essay Example Power is very important to the managers or leaders of any organization since it is essential in the directing of its staff. However, the process of acquiring power and using it usually ruins the ethics and values held in the organization (Kelly, 1988 p.3). Discussion Power defines leadership in any company and by definition; leadership refers to the ability of directing a group of employees towards achieving the goals of an organization. Therefore, leadership has formed the basis of classifying managers into five groups or profiles, namely: leader, destructive achiever, builder, mechanic, and innovator (Kelly, 1988 p. 4). The leader refers to the ethical manager who effectively uses his charisma to lead other employees towards achieving organization goals. The builder on the other hand refers to the manager who might be ethical but lacks charisma. Therefore, they are referred to as leaders with limited leadership potential. The destructive achiever is an unethical manager who, even t hough might have high potential, he or she will not contribute towards the achievement of the long term goals of the organization. The innovator is a very creative manager in his or her field but is not termed as a leader and is sometimes termed untrustworthy. Lastly, the mechanics refers to the persons that are competent in their profession but lack the personal impact towards settling of group issues. Therefore, they are not considered leaders or builders of the organization. From the managers listed above, it is evident that for any organization to be prosperous, it requires leaders who are ethical and have charisma which are essential in the realization of the long-term goals of the organization. Ethics is demanded by the society in any given part of the world. Therefore, it has led to the classification of ethics into two groups: ethics of integrity and ethics of social responsibility. The demand for integrity in the business came into existence following the arrival of new mil lennium, which led to the increased number of accounting scandals that occurred in different parts of the world. The results were negative for example; many organizations lost their trust in the corporate world. The demand for social responsibility maintains safety to the society as well as the environment it operates (Jeurissen 2007, p. 3). According to ethics, the exercise of power must conform to the cultural standards as well as the legal standards of ethics. For instance, it has been termed unethical for any organization to use power for its own gain by engaging in illegal activities. For example, an HR assistant has the power of representing the services of the company to client companies as a process of obtaining customers. However, if he or she lies to the clients as a way of gaining more clients is an unethical behavior (Society for Human Resource Management, 2006 p.180). Many workers or employees of an organization have been in dilemma following the use of power by the sen iors. Many employees have experienced tough challenges in choosing between what is good for the organization in terms of profitability and what is right according to the set ethical standards in the community. The findings of the research conducted among the graduates at Harvard revealed that young managers were being forced to make decisions, some of which were unethical by their seniors. Even though the actions were unethical, the young managers still complied because of fear of losing their jobs.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethics in Corporate America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethics in Corporate America - Essay Example Moreover, the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) has detected that workforce in corporate America working in an ethical situation are keen to go beyond the limits to serve their bosses (Ethics Resource Center, 2012). Scandals within few of US’s largest corporations have produced some farsighted-overdue self-analysis among individuals in government and business. Congressional bills and Presidential speeches set forth helpful policies and ideas considering heavier sanctions for fraud and more clear-cut accounting standards for practitioners. However, it would be a misunderstanding to believe that some novel ordinances from Washington will build everything correct with the corporate world. The response to corporate trickery is not stronger or more regulation. Over 2,000 years of legislation and criminal offense have established that laws are crucial, but are not able to do the work by themselves. As the aftermath of well-publicized, recent, ethical failures, leaders concerns and public attention in government and business have centered on the ethical atmosphere of corporate America. This concern and awareness is eliciting anticipations for ethical conduct, admitting those statute into law (for instance, Sarbanes Oxley legislation), and producing social pressures for regenerate. Business leaders must realize the scope and nature of the issue. The focus of media on corporate ethics has connected chiefly to publicly-traded large corporations. Nevertheless, the matter of ethical indiscretion and behavior is a worry for all organizations, irrespective of size. Indeed, the developing significance of enterprising firms to economic process and development all over the world has motivated some to condemn the restrained notice small business experiences in the ethics related literature. Research Objectives The mention of â€Å"Enron†,â€Å"WorldCom†and â€Å"Arthur Andersen†, titles that at one time directed to conversations about global business under standing and success, now brings up images of unethical behavior and greed. The humiliations surrounding these companies, accompanied with an interpenetrating perception of a deficiency of ethics demonstrated by the acts of business leaders, have caused a direct impression on businesses’ ability to contend, create jobs, and assist in pulling the American economy out of its economical down turn. In spite of the current attention channelized toward the unethical behavior of the leadership of these companies, the matter of business ethics violation, a phrase referred usually as an oxymoron by a few, is not novel. The basic consideration of this research is to draw the sources of rising ethical concerns in the Corporate America and their aftermath. Business Ethics and the Corporate America The terminology of ‘business ethics’, as employed in and mentioned to, in the place of work, was for the first time coined approximately in the 1970s. Its beginning was first emplo yed in academician writings, education, and then in society conferences and meetings originated to tap the field as a novel wave of education took hold. As the terminology inserted in the workplace during the period of late 1980s and early 1990s, there was an effort to construct ethics into the groundwork of organizations in the form of ethics officers, ethics codes, ethics training and ethics committee. This ethics acceptance evidently collapsed in the early twenty first century. Corporate executives were evaluated on either meeting or outperforming their goals, and were provided handsome rewards with huge remunerations, immense stock

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Misuse of Media Advertisement by Fast Food Brands Essay

Misuse of Media Advertisement by Fast Food Brands - Essay Example The essay "Misuse of Media Advertisement by Fast Food Brands" presents the outline for a research paper on the misuse of media advertisement by fast food brands. This paper discusses on recent food trends in the US and dwells on the fascination of children towards fast food. It then discusses the trends in media ads by fast food brands. Media plays a key role in the promotion of food products and children are the major target of fast food advertisements. I will use the book by Victor Strausburger and Barbara J Wilson to support my claims in this context. Techniques that fast food advertisers in the media deployed to lure children into consuming their products: TV ads: This portion will contain a discussion of how advertisers use TV as a major tool to attract children. To support the claims, I will use proof as emerging from the article by Chou Yi Shin, Inas Rashad, and Michael Grossman. I will further solidify the evidence through information taken from the article by Sarah E Speers, Jennifer L Harris, and Marlene B Schwartz. The Internet (Websites): Using web sources of Happy Meal and Burger King Crown, I will argue how these brands are using impressive web pages, games cartoons, video clips etc on their sites to grab children’s attention. Magazines: This part will discuss, with examples, on how advertisers use magazines, through promotion schemes and puzzles, to persuade children to buy their products by citing supporting evidence from the article written by Amanda Reid and Sandra C Jones.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a Essay

Each student is required to write-up a six-page proof of concept for a start-up enterprise. Your concept should capitalize on an - Essay Example It also does not use mercury and contributes to reduce climate control costs in comparison with a florescent bulb. With the growing competitions in the business world, smarter investors know what to invest in. Considering this facet, investing in LED energy savings bulb can be regarded as one of the most prospective businesses in Indonesia. Contextually, it is observed that the revenue generated from the global LED lighting market stands at a substantial figure of US$9.46 billion in 2013. It is estimated that the global demand for LED lighting would broadly stay the same for the coming 4 years. However, this steady growth prospect bodes well for the proposed start-up business (Sector Publishing Intelligence Ltd, â€Å"The World Market for LED Lighting†). Indonesia is determined to be amongst one of the leading resource saver countries in the world. Considering the current electric equipment demand, investing capital to start a business of LED bulb in Indonesia can be considere d as beneficial. THESIS STATEMENT This essay will mainly focus on the opportunity for the investors to invest into the LED energy saving bulb business in Indonesia. The essay would also contain a new-start up business concept mainly focusing on establishing a LED light bulb In Indonesia along with determining the value which can be created by the business. DISCUSSION Potential in LED business in Indonesian Electronic Market. Indonesia is considered to be amongst the largest economies in the Southeast Asia. It has registered a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 6.2% till 2012 and is projected to be above 6% for the coming five years. It has been viewed that during the downfall in the global economy the country was measured to be amongst the top performers in the global context. The vital reasons behind the strong performance emanated from effective performance of number of industries, high domestic demand of goods and services along with rich natural resources. Additionally, it i s also observed that the consumer market of Indonesia is considered to be amid the fastest developing markets, where GDP per capita is US$3500 exceeding many of its neighboring countries. The political condition of the country is determined to be supportive in comparison with other nations especially in the South Asian region of the world. It is worth mentioning that according to an estimation, it is predicted that 60 million people who are considered as low-income Indonesian workers would join the intermediate class of people in the upcoming years, increasing the consumer demand (, â€Å"Doing Business in Indonesia: 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies†). LED light bulbs are observed to be electronic bulbs that utilize semiconductor technology to use electric energy in a more efficient way. It has been viewed that with the increasing technical advancements in every aspect, large organizations are adapting more advanced technologies to develop products b y considering the increasing negative impacts of their operations on the environment. Indonesia is ascertained to be amongst those countries that have been implementing policies and regulations to adapt eco-friendly products as their first priority. It has been viewed that LED lighting products are now available three or more times more effective than compact florescent products and are considered to be the best lighting alternative till date. The LED insurgency in lightning technology is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research Critique of a Quantitative Design Paper - 1

Critique of a Quantitative Design - Research Paper Example The research paper focuses on the educational degrees which are acquired by nurses and also reflects their performance and job satisfaction ratio. In the literature review, researchers have tried to relate an impact of education in job satisfaction which does not seem to be the only reason for the contribution to acquiring job satisfaction. The performance of an individual plays an important role in career retention because employees have to justify their education through their performances. The researchers have also tried to relate the reasons of a higher turnover rate with low job satisfaction, which is also considered as an incomplete reason for its justifications. Poor performance and inability to follow ethical guidelines are also the reason for a higher turnover rate. The study had been focused on the educational degrees which are acquired by nurses. They are either Associate’s Degree (AD) or Bachelor’s in Science degree (BS) followed by specialization. The resea rcher did not mention any previous studies that focused on the degree programs and their satisfaction in their respective jobs. This would have given the ratio of degree holders that can retain their job and become the source for job satisfaction. The hypothesis that has been assumed by the researcher contains an assumption that a BS degree would result in job satisfaction of a person and an AD degree would result in better career retention. There are other factors that could result in the increase in job satisfaction and career retention.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

BUSINESS CASE Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BUSINESS - Case Study Example The company, for this reason, wanted to restock its product line and rebrand its image. To be able to do this, the company wanted to enter into Chinas luxury market goods market that was reported to be growing by 70% each year. The plan was to open up new stores in the three largest cities of China that include Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. The other very important objective of the company was to select a winning team that would lead this new entry into the Chinese market. These stores had to have the most talented and qualified human resource to enable them do well in the new market space. For this reason, all the actions that this company would commit itself to afterward, should be pointed towards achieving one goal of having a winning team or workforce that can lead their new venture in China. The issue that requires a decision in this case is whether to employ Mimi Brewster, daughter of John Brewster who is a good friend to the Hathaway CEO, Fred, to lead a team that would open the flagship store in Shanghai. It is hard making the decision on whether to employ her or not, to consider both the negative and positive sides of her. On the positive side, Mimi is a strong candidate for the position with both good education and experience background that fits the fashion industry. With her experience working with the largest clothing, shoe and accessories company in the United States, where she launched two new brands, she made a very good candidate to be chosen to sell the Hathaway agenda in China. On the other hand, the vice-president of Hathaway, Virginia Flanders, found a non-palatable information from Google about Mimi that would make her consideration decision be a hard thing to make. The information that was printed in the Alternative Review in 1999 identified Mimi to ha ve been the leader of a non-violent, but vocal protest group that was known to have helped mobilize campaigns against the World Trade Organization. Another newspaper featured Mimis

Friday, August 23, 2019

The slaves moment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The slaves moment - Essay Example Life in the barracoons was indeed very tough for the slaves; two important aspects to understand here are that a number of slaves had to live together in a single barracoon and thus often felt suffocated because of the lack of space and terrible living conditions. Moreover, illnesses were widespread due to the lack of sanitation within these homes, if they could be called so. Due to the number of tics and rampant potentiality of sickness, the slaves were living under terrible conditions. Hill writes, ‘the masters wanted the barracoons to look clean outside so they painted them with whitewash.† (p.23) this helps the readers to understand the mentality of the masters and how badly they treated their slaves while making them live in horrible homes which looked neat from the outside so as to provide a different picture to the rest of the world. Esteban tried to leave escape the plantation in order to taste freedom however since he had never been anywhere else other than the p lantation, he was a little lost upon entering the woods. The reason why most slaves did not bother to runaway was because they feared being caught and then being treated in an even worse manner by their masters; Esteban thus wanted to taste a slice of freedom and act carelessly; he was not afraid of being caught because of the sole reason that he did not know worse fear than having to bow down to other human beings and do as they say without uttering a word. For a long time, he hid in cave and ate pigs in order to not be found and whenever he heard dogs barking, he immediately took off his clothes to prevent the animals from picking up his scent. – That was one of the methods of his survival. â€Å"The cave was big and dark like the mouth of a wolf.† (p. 45) 2. The second section is entitled ‘The Abolition of Slavery’ and talks about Montejo’s life until his emancipation in the year 1886. He worked in the sugar mills for a long time as a free worker and laboured his years away, working hard at the machines as well as performing manual labour acts of cutting and harvesting sugar cane. This helps in an understanding of the harsh lifestyle that peasants were forced to lead and the difficult work that goes into the forming of sugar and cane and the hard work required to sell it in the market at terribly low costs, not taking into account the labour that has been put into it. â€Å"There were masters, or rather, owners, who believed that blacks were made for locking up and whipping. So they treated them the same as before. To my mind blacks didn't realize that things had changed [with emancipation] because they kept on saying 'Your blessing, Master'.... [The white man] believed they were the owners of humanity† (p.62) He was highly critical about the life that the blacks and the mulattos were forced to lead and the lack of education that they were subject to, thereby ruining their chances of ever having the opportunity to le ad a better lifestyle. Further, he also spoke very lowly about the Catholic priests who treated women like whores and forced them to have sex with them and procreate as many children as they could. The workers enjoyed themselves as they often entertained themselves by playing games in the barracoons. They played games like tejo (p.26) where they used a corn on a cob to flip a coin and win coins from one another. Playing games was the only source of fun that they had and an aspect which took them to another world for sometime,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 82

Journal - Essay Example promised to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, and those who were to remain were only to be involved in training the Afghanistan soldiers, and not actively helping them in combat missions as the new deal states. Therefore, this makes the story even more controversial, and the writers are seeking audience with Americans to give their opinion on the issue. Moreover, the authors seem to condemn the move, which makes the story bias. Since the involvement of US troops in Afghanistan is an issue that has been debated for years, I would expect the authors to give a little background into the matter. However, the article falls short of any background information regarding the issue. Nevertheless, the authors use quotes from a senior US administrative official, which makes what they report credible. They also refer to an article on Times talking about the same story, and since Times is a reputable newspaper, it gives the story further credibility. Overall, the story is well presented, organized, and easy to

Save the Environment! Essay Example for Free

Save the Environment! Essay â€Å"TREE PLANTATON† – most commonly used word. These words don’t only mean arising love for nature suddenly only on 5th June (World Environment Day) just like every Indian experiences patriotism on 15th August or 26th January†. Sometimes while attending such â€Å"TREE PLANTATION† events we may feel like saving nature and plant many plants that fine day. But, what about those plants after the event gets over? We forget about those planted plants soon after the event is over. Weather those plants will grow to trees or not is no more our concern, That does not at all mean tree plantation in real sense. Now a days we may easily find an under construction sight surrounding us. But have you seen an under construction tree? Any client may easily give an order to any builder that he wants this building to be completed in 2 or 3 years. But have you heard anyone saying or ordering other person about growing a 20 or 25 feet high tree in 2 years!! The answer is NO. Then why not to take care of those trees which are being cut in greed of constructing high tech roads? And this is our event. Let us think about â€Å"Tree preservation along with tree plantation†. Saving a tree certainly gives a feeling of saving life. Recently, you may have heard that in USA word’s longest tower is going to be constructed in just 2 years. But I don’t think it is shocking news because they have high technology and man power and it is possible for them to construct such a tower. Now, if any would say that I can grow world’s tallest free in just 2 years then it would be a shocking news, because constructing building is in hands of homo sapiens but growing trees is in hands of mother nature and we know that nobody can win against nature. Media should also try to create awareness about preserving trees along with growing.† Every person cries â€Å"plant trees†. But very few cry†preserve trees†. In such an atmosphere where signs of global warming are clearly visible, we should take care regarding preserving the present nature. It is true that efforts are made to grow more trees but do you think that you are going to live a life to see that tree growing so it. Tall NO Our projects include an eco-friendly development which comprises of earning money along with favoring our mother nature. The trees which are cut at construction sights are brought to own projects and then we plant them and experience a great relief of preserving a life. Thus we proudly say that we run eco-friendly projects! Generally the man of 21st centaury constructs concrete forests by destroying the forests of nature which are grown not constructed Thus, this thought gave us an idea of presenting own project to people as well as nature!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Advertising And Social Networking Sites Media Essay

Advertising And Social Networking Sites Media Essay Advertising is broadly defined as the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.(Bovee, 1992) Upon dissection of this definition for clarity, it can be seen that the process and the industry of advertising is a one way flow of communication from a party that pays for the communication to the target audience, who are intended to be prompted by this mode of communication into becoming consumers. Social networking sites (SNS) are an emerging and almost increasingly indispensable trend in the present decade. The current trend of increasing use of cyber space has resulted in large number of people all over the world using e-mail SNS; this is not only because of the entertainment and connectivity that it allows, but also because of the ease of access and sharing of several types of data that is possible through these sites. The sharing might be updates regarding home, family, work, health, or of pictures, audio, and even links to other interesting websites on the Internet. The users of SNS are not restricted to youth alone; its popularity and advantages have resulted in several adult and older adult populations becoming as users of SNS as well. The popularity of SNS makes it an excellent and a natural choice as a platform for advertising to transcend to, simply because it has the attention of potential customer while they are relatively vulnerable to advertising methods. The users of SNS are there for entertainment and advertising in this arena is possibly not something they are expecting. It could be a boon and a bane for advertisers when the target audience are unaware of their presence being construed as potential customers for a product or service. The present study aims to demonstrate that social networking sites are increasingly being used as an advertising platform by users and advertisers, using a survey that analyzed the general populations opinions of the same. 1.2 Background information The form of online advertising that uses SNS as a platform has come to be known as social network advertising and the relationship between SNS as a platform for advertising and advertising as a concept have been investigated by few other researchers. These studies provide a comparative analysis of the success or failure of social network advertising to conventional media. There were studies that aimed at examining the relationship between the two variables of advertising and SNS, or establishing the validity of one over the other, or even analyzing the advantages of social network advertising for companies themselves. The relevance of this topic is vital as can be seen by the recently released B-to-B Marketing Leadership Study, which revealed that over two-thirds of B-to-B marketers intend to decrease spending on print advertising during the next two to three years. The study was conducted jointly by American Business Media, the Association of National Advertisers, and consulting firm Booz Co., The study also found that 67 percent of B-to-B marketers intend to increase spending on social media during the same period, and that 64 percent said that they planned to increase digital spending. The 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report on the use of social media to market the businesses revealed that companies with enough manpower for marketing or those that arent computer literate may not be interested in social media but many service providers like electrical contractors and electricians may find that an optimized website is adequate for marketing, while companies that are willing to spend time and advertising budget could benefit greatly from social media as it may offer a venue to address criticisms and correct misconceptions of customers regarding products or services. 1.3 Concept of Social Media Marketing Finding a universally accepted definition of social media marketing may not prove to be extremely hard, but the industry and the field have not progressed to such a degree that there is a popular accepted definition for social media marketing and advertising. However, several definitions for the same have been hazarded. It is simplistically the use of SNS in online advertising. There are three major classifications of SNS based advertising; however, these are not properly defined and broad: direct advertising that is based on your network of friends, direct advertising placed on your social networking site, and indirect advertising by creating groups or pages. There are no well-defined indicators to measure the success of social media marketing, but one factor has a lot of weight in deciding the fate of social media marketing and advertising: finance. With regard to finance, the concept of Return On Investment (ROI) is an indicator that is commonly used to measure the financial successes of social media marketing and advertising in terms of cost reduction and consequent increases in margin. Ryan Deutsch defines ROI as one of several commonly used tools to evaluate the the financial consequences of business investments, decisions, or actions. Most forms of ROI analysis compare investment returns and costs by constructing a ratio, or percentage. There are few case studies on the monetization through SNS, which precludes the presence of studies on advertising in SNS. To date, ROI is the most popular indicator along with Key Popular Indicators (KPI), and the Lead Generation Funnel. KPI has three components to track: expanded reach to new audiences, influencer sharing behaviour, and conversions and monetization. Nicole Kelly elaborates that exposure, influence, engagement, action/convert are the key items in the Lead Generation Funnel model. 1.4 The Relationship There is no doubt that social media and advertising are a power combo, combining entertainment with marketing, and convenience with advertising. This phenomenon extends to the larger picture of advertisement on the whole. SNS have gone the extra mile to monetize on their services through advertisers that they have sometimes compromised on the privacy of the users. These other negatives issues are being addressed but still in nascent stage Facebook Places was one such option in the SNS Facebook, which allowed organizations to track the whereabouts of users, therefore pitching the demographic- and ethnic-appropriate products and services. This is an example of a negative aspect of monetization of what was previously just entertainment. It is not correct to place blame entirely on the owners of SNS either, as their endeavours in providing an online socializing experience for users has to be monetarily sensible as well. These issues aside, the breaches in privacy and the consequent outcry only proves the magnitude of scope and potential available for monetization through SNS, and advertising is one of the primary paths to such a monetization. 1.5 The Relationship: Indianised A look at the present scenario of the literature available about the relationship does not reveal much. A global perspective of the same has limited literature on it as it is an emerging field for study and a budding opportunity for the market. The scope of advertising through SNS in India is perhaps not as effective as it might be abroad as the number of Internet users in comparison to the countrys population as a whole is still not very significant, but never the less growing at a rapid pace. However, there is a potential for huge financial stake is involved, in terms of cost reduction, increase in demand for product service to vast majority of potential customers to be tapped at a quicker pace the addition revenue generation and earning opportunity for many, especially when the Indian-based ads cater to the global market. This study has obtained the opinions of Indians on the subject of advertising as a prospect for them; however, it need not necessarily reflect the choice of Indians as a whole, or even for the city of Bangalore. It is however, a window into the ideas and desires of the modern urban youth with regard to advertising in SNS. If the attitudes of the youth from a country regarding advertising and marketing through SNS, that is only just shedding its Third World status is favourable, the attitudes and beliefs of the youth from developed countries with higher cash flow through the Internet will be predictably phenomenal. The purpose is to look at global prospects in advertising and marketing through SNS, even while taking into account the possibility of the same in the Indian context and demographic. 1.5.1 Hypothesis The existing literature suggests the need for a study based in India. In this regard, the following hypothesis is developed, analyzing the opinions and attitudes of persons in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. . This could be supplemented by similar studies in other urban centres, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmadabad Pune. The youth favour and endorse advertisements in social networking sites 1.5.2 Data Treatment Taking the case of 10 subjects from Bangalore, Karnataka, India, the opinions and attitudes toward advertising and marketing through SNS was analyzed. The data were administered through a Likert Scale type of survey, developed specifically for the present study. The study uses the tabulated and interpreted variant of this data to draw conclusions that support and disprove the aforementioned hypothesis. The scale measures four aspects of the respondents opinions: personal belief regarding marketing and advertising in SNS, use of SNS for another party/person, individual purchase as a result of ads in SNS, and belief in the impact of SNS. The data are separately and generally analyzed. 1.6 Justification for the study An indigenous and localised study is important to understand the nuances of a grass root level picture, even though in a cosmopolitan city like Bangalore, there could still be further sub groups in terms of ethnic back ground, culture, personal preferences. The data reveals the opinions of urban youth in Southern India. The field of social media marketing is burgeoning globally, though not at the same pace in the national context. It is therefore important to record the opinions and attitudes of Indians regarding the issue under consideration which might act as a window to the receptivity of the country to a globally popular concept Thus, it should be noted that components of study that are determined by various socio-cultural and economic and literacy patterns, determine the extent of development when they work in liaison. 1.7 Chapter Plan To explore and evaluate the beliefs and opinions of South Indians on the issue of advertising and marketing through SNS the study is divided in five chapters. Chapter one gives a brief insight about the study bringing forth the need for the study to be conducted while tracing evidences of background information. Chapter two elaborates on the previous studies and findings. Chapter three describes the methodology and the treatment given to the data collected and the statistical methods adopted for analysing the data collected. Chapter four gives a detailed account of the behaviour of the data by presenting the findings of the study and illustrates the relationship between the variables. The data, in this section, is treated with statistical analysis and the results are interpreted thereof. Chapter five summarises the key findings and draws theoretical and policy implications. This chapter also suggests avenues of further research in the area including privacy legal issues Patent, and intellectual property rights related issues. 1.8 Key Findings of the Study For the formulated hypothesis that the youth favour and endorse advertisements in SNS, the study findings and analysis of the data during the study validates the hypothesis with exceptions. 1.9 Conclusion The beliefs of youth and Internet users in general, with regard to the hypothesis that they encourage and believe in advertisements from SNS, as interpreted from this study that used the Likert Scale, with the sample size of 10, is valid.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Evolutionary Aspects Of Fear Psychology Essay

The Evolutionary Aspects Of Fear Psychology Essay This paper presents an exclusive discussion of what is known about the biological basis of fear. In presenting this discussion, the paper shall explore the main concepts relating to the biology behind fear in humans with the main ideas being the definition of fear, the evolutionary aspects of fear, as well as the emotional response of the brain in the event of fear or anxiety. The paper shall also present an analysis that seeks to establish fear and anxiety as identical rather than two contrasting concepts as believed by many. In the discussion on the biological basis of fear, the study shall include biological evidence relating to the specific parts of the human brain that respond and react to fear. Introduction It is interesting how humans respond to fear, especially the bodily changes that take place in the event of an activity or something that triggers fear. Humans respond to fear in different ways, and their bodies react to unexpected situations of fear almost instantly. In response to fear, human bodies exhibit increased arousal, autonomic and neuroendocrinal activation and immediate expectancy among other spontaneous reactions. It is even surprising that fear triggers some emotional reaction in humans based on recent studies by psychologists. An interesting revelation according to empirical studies on emotions under the field of biology point to the fact that emotions are not just feelings as evolutionary studies would want us to believe. Emotions in human beings are accompanied by physiological and behavioural variations (Davidson, 2000). A widely accepted perception of emotions today touches on the fundamental ideology that humans experience emotions in three different but interrela ted levels: the behavioural level, the neurophysiological level and the psychological or metal level. Based on inference that emotions have a close relation to fear in terms of the mental or psychological state, it is possible to use such information to build upon the biological basis of fear (Walker, 2002). The consequence of predisposing factors that trigger emotions also tend to instil fear in human beings and this paper shall seek to unravel the biological basis of fear in terms of psychological and behavioural responses relating to biology. What is fear? Fear is a motivational state triggered by specific stimuli that result in or escape defensive behaviour. Enthologists believe that fear is an unpleasant emotion that comes about as a result of the perception that somebody or something dangerous is likely to happen. This unpleasant emotion triggers a form of defence mechanism that results in escape or counter behaviours. In terms of biology, a couple of neuoroendocrinal activations that are usually automatic mostly typify fear. This is essential in explaining the sudden escape of a person at the sight of a scary animal that triggers immediate activations in the brain (Strongman, 1996). This effective defence mechanism triggered by a stimulus instils fear. In this context, such instantaneous reactions to fear facilitate coping mechanisms used by the body to respond to cases of fear. The evolutionary aspects of fear The evolutionary aspects of fear mainly relate to emotional responses. Fear is a factor of de-escalating tactic interceded by the emotional (paleomammalian) part of the fore brain. As man and other animals evolved millions of years ago, they adapted differently to fear. During the evolutionary period, diverse types of fear characterized the universe and were responded to by animals and humans in dissimilar ways. Scientists conclude that the adaptations developed by humans during this period explain the response and reactions of humans towards fear (Strongman, 1996). However, a couple of fear such as the fear of height is common to all mammals because of the adaptations developed during the Mesozoic era. The fear of snakes and other dangerous reptiles came into existence during the Cenozoic era and is common to all higher primates including humans and apes. However, others such as the fear of insects and mice developed in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods are unique to humans. Dur ing these periods, insects and mice became popular carriers of dangerous infections and diseases, which resulted in different adaptive measures by humans. Such fears are still common today (Iijima, et al., 1996). The emotional brain The emotional aspect of the brain occurs at three levels: the behavioural level, the neurophysiological level and the psychological or metal level. Theories of emotion touching on the brain reveal that bodily changes tend to follow directly the perception of existing facts and human feelings of the same changes according to the occurrence of the emotion. In other words, the stimulus that reaches the cerebral cortex part of the brain provokes intuitive changes, which are perceived as emotions. Other studies have advanced that the thalamus is greatly involved in the neuropsychological matter of the brain because such matters are subcortical in nature. A biological explanation on the emotional brain is that a stimulus from the environment triggers the thalamus, which transmits information from to the viscera and cortex, and back again to the cortex to engender an emotional state (Gray McNaughton, 2000). Specific parts of the brain that work together to trigger reactions to fear stimuli Amygdala The amygdala is part of the brain structure where a majority of neurobiological events related to fear occurs. It is located just behind the pituitary gland and respond in different ways to fear stimuli. Any fear stimulus activates the Amygdala to secrete a series of hormones that immediately influence aggression and fear (Vianna, 2003). As the process of secreting such hormones into the body begins, the Amygdala prompts the body into a state of awareness and alertness, which trigger instant response from other muscles in the legs and hand to get ready for take-off or a fight. As the essential component of the limbic system, the amygdala is critical in preparing the body to respond or react to fear by secreting hormones at the trigger of a fear stimulus (Borod, 2000). It integrates rapid and direct thalamic inputs that transmit a fear stimulus and imitates a cognitive process that prepares the body to respond or react to the threat. Hippocampus The hippocampus is touted as the central structure in the brain that engages in processing contextual information necessary to fear conditioning. Situated just next to the amygdala and connected to it by the subiculum and entorhinal cortex, the hippocampusà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s main functions is to condition fear into contextual information. The hippocampus conditions fear in circumstances that involve complex polymodal events by receiving impulses from the amygdala and integrating such impulses with prior information to ignite meaningful reactions that respond to fear (Davidson, 2000). Hypothalamus The hypothalamus plays a crucial role as far as fear response is concerned. It is responsible for controlling stress reactions and other body processes including emotions and moods. Through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HTPA axis), the hypothalamus controls the limbic, pituitary, adrenal and genadotropic aspects of the body. A fear stimulus sends LC (locus ceruleus) neurons to the hypothalamus, which activates the HTPA axis that triggers the stress response linked to fear (Lewis Haviland-Jones, 2000). The connection between the hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala act to activate the HTPA axis to respond to a fear stimulus. The hypothalamus receives sensory information from the lateral part of the amygdala, processes the information and relays to the central nucleus, which then projects it to various parts of the brain that respond and react to fear. Fear stimulus impulses relayed by various neurons activate the sympathetic nervous system, as well as the modulating syst em of the HTPA axis. This triggers a run or attack response, better known as a fight or flight response mechanism (Hyman, et al., 1999). Sensory cortex The sensory cortex is an essential component of the fear response mechanism. Immediate sensory data from fear stimulus collects in the thalamus part of the brain. After the collection of the sensory data, the sensory cortex obtains the data from the thalamus, interprets it and organizes the sensory data for dissemination to the amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus (Hirsh, 2004). Thalamus The thalamus also plays a critical role in fear response. The thalamus basically acts as a collection center, which gathers and collects information from essential sensory organs such as the ears, eyes and mouth. After collecting the sensory information from such organs, the thalamus has the capacity to determine where to send such information for processing. A fear stimulus from the eyes, hands or mouth sends sensory information through neurons to the thalamus, which collects and sends the information to the appropriate response organs for processing (Lewis Haviland-Jones, 2000). Fear conditioning explains the behavioural archetype displayed by organisms and their capacity to learn to respond to or predict fearful or threatening events. Fear conditioning explains why some people fear dogs to the extent that they become helpless at the sight of this à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“monsterà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢. It is believed to depend upon the amygdala and the hippocampus in cases of contextual fear conditioning. Fear conditioning also explains the neurobiology of fear because touches on the essential components of the brain including the thalamus, the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, the amygdala and the sensory cortex (Lewis Haviland-Jones, 2000). Latest research findings point to the fact that researchers are beginning to develop interest on the neurological processes that trigger fear response mechanisms. Conclusion The biological basis of fear can be explained by the evolutionary concepts of anxiety and emotions and adaptations of human beings to different stimuli. However, empirical research findings have established a basis for explaining the biology of fear through the human mind the structures such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, thalamus, hippocampus and the sensory cortex. The outcome of predisposing factors that trigger emotions tend to instill fear in human beings as discussed in this paper. The biological basis of fear in terms of psychological and behavioural responses relates to emotion and anxiety, which is an advanced form of fear. Further research should be directed to the neurochemical processes that occur in the brain and the chemical components involved in response to fear.

Monday, August 19, 2019

One Love A Look into the Life of Bob Marley Essay -- Essays Papers

One Love A Look into the Life of Bob Marley One Love Bob Marley is a name most people know but his accomplishments and dedication to music is often overlooked. Bob was more than just a reggae artist he was an inspiration to country of Jamaica. He was role model to the poverty stricken island and gave hope to many people. He was a god. His influence spread around the world. His dreams are still alive and will live on in the hearts of his people. Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in his grandfather’s house. He was the son of a poor farm girl and a British naval Captain who fell in love. Soon after his birth Bob’s father, Norval Marley left his mother leaving her a son to raise. He remained responsible and provided financial support and occasionally came back to see them. In the 50’s a depression hit Jamaica and Bob followed his mother to West Kingston otherwise known as Trenchtown. It was in Trenchtown were Bob’s love for music began. He and his friend Neville Livingstone or â€Å"Bunny† began to attend music classes. Through the classes the two meet Peter McIntosh and they formed the Wailing Wailers. The band recorded their first song in 1962, Judge Not. From there he started a record label Tuff Gong and recorded over 20 albums. Bob had a huge influence on society through his music. He encouraged people to rise up against the unfair government officials in songs such a Crazy Baldheads and Get up Stand up. A baldhead is a term for anyone not a Rast...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Civil War Essay Before 1861, no one in the USA ever imagined that their country would be torn apart by a savage civil war that would cost over 620,000 lives and shake the foundations of our government to the roots. The American Civil War had many causes, famous battles, influential figures, and outcomes. As of the 1850s the Mason-Dixon Line separated the North from the South, even as Lincoln and the rest of the government tried to keep the country together. Their best efforts failed, and America was thrust into a bloody civil war. The Civil War really began, though, in peoples' minds, as the most important causes all began...with a debate. Slavery was one of the factors that played a key role in the causes of the Civil War. The Missouri Compromise was a debate began as to whether Maine and Missouri would enter the Union as free or slave states. To be fair to the rule of the Mason-Dixon Line, Maine was admitted as a free state, and Missouri, even though it was also in the north, would enter as a slave state. The Compromise of 1850 dealt with whether California, Utah, and New Mexico would be slave or free. California was admitted as a free state, but since it made the ratio of slave to free states unequal, " it also stated that the territories of New Mexico and Utah would determine for themselves whether to become slave or free states."(Wise) The Kansas-Nebraska Act decided that any territory that became a state would have the right to vote on whether it would be slave or free, which made Northerners angry because it changed the terms of the Missouri Compromise. The constant flux of the issue of slavery grew during the years leading up to the war, as the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1859, and the Kansas-Nebraska act con... ...t a few days after the end of the war, and Lee's surrender marked the end of the Civil War and slavery. Each of these outcomes had a significant effect over the years to come in American history. The American Civil war's causes, influential figures, bloody battles, and outcomes will and have left a mark on history forever. It shaped America's future and redefined the phrase "all men are created equal" as well as being a precursor for the Civil Rights Movement a century later. The Civil War made all people consider their Nation's stability and woke them up to the reality of civil war that would repeat in other countries again and again. America came out of it a battered and bruised yet stronger still country, and to this day it strives to maintain this caliber of honor and strength. It seems the saying,"no pain, no gain," has been made manifest in American history.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Immersive in Multimedia

IMMERSIVE MULTIMEDIA Introduction to Immersive Multimedia The history of Immersive Multimedia began with the concept of Virtual Reality. In the late 1960s, the desire of computer scientists and artists was to create, digitally-made ‘near-to-reality’ experiences through Interactive Multimedia. This became known as Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality, today, is a computer-created environment that a user can experience through the senses of sight, hearing and touch. Immersive Multimedia is a combination of multimedia elements and interactivity in Virtual Reality. Immersive refer to omputer generated simulation of reality with physical, spatial and visual dimension. This interactive technology is used by architechs, science and engineering research and the arts, entertainment, and video games industry. Virtual Reality system can simulate everythings from walk through of a building prior to construction to simulations of aircraft flight and three dimension computer games. Immers ive technologies and virtual reality are powerful and compelling computer application by which humans can interact and interface with computer generated environment in a way that imics real life sense engagement. As 3D and immersive technology becomes more integrated and available for a wide range of application. It require well designed user interfaces and innovative content for the next generation of computer games and integrated technology like mobile devices distributed web systems and desktop application. Example Of Immersive Multimedia Education Business Entertainment IMMERSIVE MUTIMEDIA IN ENTERTAINMENT Example Of Immersive Multimedia in Entertainment Virtual Football Virtual Gliders Aircraft Virtual Games Counter Strike Virtual Games Formula 1 Virtual Games Adventure Kayak Games Virtual Truck Games VR has a lot of positive benefits. It gives disabled people the opportunity to join in activities not usually available to them. In virtual worlds, people in wheelchairs, for example, can have a freedom of movement that they do not have in the real world. At the moment very few people can afford to buy a VR system. But as the technology advances, lightweight helmets and more powerful computers will take VR into ordinary homes. Virtual reality has very important uses in all types of architecture and industrial design. Computer Aided Design, or CAD, has been an important design tool since the mid 1970s, because it allows the user to draw three- dimensional images on a computer screen. However, unless you have a VR helmet and glove to project the images on to, you will not be immersed in your virtual world. 3D Viewing 3D viewing enable users to view the screen in 3D form and real. This Make the media more Attractive to users. For example a users will felt the movie like happen on this surrounding if he view on a 3D screen. Virtual reality developed out of the technical community, rom a vision of what was technically possible and from the requirements of certain technically demanding applications. Of course, some of the creators had visions of applications far beyond the needs of their funding sources, but generally the community has explored virtual reality as a human-computer interface technology. REFERENCE ?http://library. thinkquest. org/26890/virtualrealityt. htm ?http://liquidnarrative. csc. nc su. edu/classes/csc582/papers/vrae. pdf ?http://images. google. com. my/images? hl=en&source=hp&q=virtual+reality&btnG=Search+Images&gbv =2&aq=2&oq=VIRTUAL

Football the Good Essay

My favorite sport is foot ball. Foot ball is considered a contact sport. It allows you to meet other boys my age. But most of all it helps me to build physically and mentally. There is nothing like getting in to the uniform and out on the field. I like to look at the crowd and hope they are going to cheer for my team. Before we get on the field, we have to do a few exercises which keeps us limber and in shape. We do push up and run, there are other exercises we have to do in our practice sessions. Which is at least 4 times week? I believe in football you get more exercises than any other sport. I like the fact that we can play under the lights at night. This seems to be the best time to draw a crowd to cheer you on and parents aren’t so apt to be working so they can come and enjoy the game. Nothing makes me prouder than to have my dad tell me what a good job i did. My dad loves football as much as I do and it seems to bring us together more. We watch a lot of football on television. Yes, you can get hurt in football, which is why some kids don’t want to play. But, some hospital records show that you get hurt just as much or even more playing soccer. You can get hurt playing baseball and some of the other sports also. To be honest, I would not suggest playing a sport of any kind if you are afraid of getting hurt. Not only do you get the satisfaction of playing the sport, you can also get the attention of the cheerleaders. Who wouldn’t want that? I have played football since I was A young boy and I hope to play in college. Who knows I may get scouted for the major leagues. Yes football is my favorite sport whether I am playing or watching it on television.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Classical Concerto

CONCERTO A concerto (from the Italian: concerto, plural concerti or, often, the anglicised form concertos) is a musical composition usually composed in three parts or movements, in which (usually) one solo instrument (for instance, a piano, violin, cello or flute) is accompanied by an orchestra.The etymology is uncertain, but the word seems to have originated from the conjunction of the two Latin words conserere (meaning to tie, to join, to weave) and certamen (competition, fight): the idea is that the two parts in a concerto, the soloist and the orchestra, alternate episodes of opposition, cooperation, and independence in the creation of the music flow. The concerto, as understood in this modern way, arose in the Baroque period side by side with the concerto grosso, which contrasted a small group of instruments with the rest of the orchestra.The popularity of the concerto grosso form declined after the Baroque period, and the genre was not revived until the 20th century. The solo co ncerto, however, has remained a vital musical force from its inception to this day. Classical concerto . Sonata form in the Classical ConcertoFor exposition, development and recapitulation, The concerti of the sons of Johann Sebastian Bach are perhaps the best links between those of the Baroque period and those of Mozart. C. P. E. Bach’s keyboard concerti contain some brilliant soloistic writing.Some of them have movements that run into one another without a break, and there are frequent cross-movement thematic references. Mozart, as a boy, made arrangements for harpsichord and orchestra of three sonata movements by Johann Christian Bach. By the time he was twenty, Mozart was able to write concerto ritornelli that gave the orchestra admirable opportunity for asserting its character in an exposition with some five or six sharply contrasted themes, before the soloist enters to elaborate on the material. He wrote one concerto each for flute, oboe (later rearranged for flute and known as Flute Concerto No. ), clarinet, and bassoon, four for horn, a Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra, a Sinfonia Concertante for Violin, Viola and Orchestra, and Exsultate, jubilate, a de facto concerto for soprano voice. They all exploit and explore the characteristics of the solo instrument. His five violin concerti, written in quick succession, show a number of influences, notably Italian and Austrian. Several passages have leanings towards folk music, as manifested in Austrian serenades. However, it was in his twenty-seven original piano concerti that he excelled himself. citation needed] It is conventional to state that the first movements of concerti from the Classical period onwards follow the structure of sonata form. Final movements are often in rondo form, as in J. S. Bach's E Major Violin Concerto. [2] Sonata form Sonata form is a large-scale musical structure used widely since the middle of the 18th century (the early Classical period). While it is typically us ed in the first movement of multi-movement pieces, it is sometimes used in subsequent movements as well—particularly the final movement.The teaching of sonata form in music theory rests on a standard definition and a series of hypotheses about the underlying reasons for the durability and variety of the form—a definition that arose in the second quarter of the 19th century. [2] There is little disagreement that on the largest level, the form consists of three main sections: an exposition, a development, and a recapitulation;[3] however, beneath this, sonata form is difficult to pin down in terms of a single model.The standard definition focuses on the thematic and harmonic organization of tonal materials that are presented in an exposition, elaborated and contrasted in a development and then resolved harmonically and thematically in a recapitulation. In addition, the standard definition recognizes that an introduction and a coda may be present. Each of the sections is often further divided or characterized by the particular means by which it accomplishes its function in the form.Since its establishment, the sonata form became the most common form in the first movement of works entitled â€Å"sonata†, as well as other long works of classical music, including the symphony, concerto, string quartet, and so on. [3] Accordingly, there is a large body of theory on what unifies and distinguishes practice in the sonata form, both within eras and between eras. Even works that do not adhere to the standard description of a sonata form often present analogous structures or can be analyzed as elaborations or expansions of the standard description of sonata form.Outline of sonata form Introduction The Introduction section is optional, or may be reduced to a minimum. If it is extended, it is, in general, slower than the main section, and frequently focuses on the dominant key. It may or may not contain material that is later stated in the exposition. Th e introduction increases the weight of the movement, and also permits the composer to begin the exposition with a theme that would be too light to start on its own, as in Haydn's Symphony No. 03 (â€Å"The Drumroll†) and Beethoven's Quintet for Piano and Winds Op. 16. The introduction usually is not included in the exposition repeat. On occasion, the material of introduction reappears in its original tempo later in the movement. Often, this occurs as late as the coda, as in Mozart's String Quintet in D major K. 593, Haydn's Drumroll Symphony, or Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 (â€Å"Pathetique†). Exposition The primary thematic material for the movement is presented in the Exposition. This section can be further divided into several sections.The same section in most sonata form movements has prominent harmonic and thematic parallelisms (although in some works from the 19th century and onward, some of these parallelisms are subject to considerable exceptions), which inc lude: First subject group, P (Prime) – this consists of one or more themes, all of them in the home key (also called the tonic)—so if the piece is in C major, all of the music in the first group will be in C major. Although some pieces are written differently, most follow this form. Transition, T – in this section the composer modulates from the key of the first subject to the key of the second.Second subject group, S – one or more themes in a different key from the first group. If the first group is in a major key, the second group will usually be in the dominant. If the original key is C major, for example, the key of the music of the second group will be G major, a perfect fifth higher. If the first group is in a minor key, the second group will, in general, be in the relative major, so that, if the original key is C minor, the second group will be in E-flat major. The material of the second group is often different in rhythm or mood from that of the f irst group (frequently, it is more lyrical).Codetta, K – the purpose of this is to bring the exposition section to a close with a perfect cadence in the same key as the second group. The exposition is commonly repeated, particularly in classical works. Often, though not always, the last measure or measures of the exposition are slightly different between the repeats, one to point back to the tonic, where the exposition began, and the second to point towards the development. Development In general, the development starts in the same key as the exposition ended, and may move through many different keys during its course.It will usually consist of one or more themes from the exposition altered and on occasion juxtaposed and may include new material or themes – though exactly what is acceptable practice is a famous point of contention. Alterations include taking material through distant keys, breaking down of themes and sequencing of motifs, and so forth. The development v aries greatly in length from piece to piece and from time period to time period, sometimes being relatively short compared to the exposition (e. g. , the first movement of Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K 525/I by Mozart) and in other cases quite long and detailed (e. . , the first movement of the â€Å"Eroica† Symphony by Beethoven). Developments in the classical era are typically shorter due to how much composers of that era valued symmetry, unlike the more expressive romantic era (â€Å"Eroica† is considered to be the first Romantic symphony) in which development sections gain a much greater importance. However, it almost always shows a greater degree of tonal, harmonic, and rhythmic instability than the other sections. At the end, the music will usually return to the tonic key in preparation of the recapitulation. On occasion it will actually return to the sub-dominant key and then proceed with the same transition as in the exposition). The transition from the development to the recapitulation is a crucial moment in the work. The last part of the development section is called the retransition: It prepares for the return of the first subject group in the tonic, most often through a grand prolongation of the dominant seventh. Thus, if the key of the movement is C major, the retransition would most typically stress the dominant seventh chord on G.In addition, the character of the music would signal such a return, often becoming more frenetic (as in the case of the first movement of Beethoven's â€Å"Waldstein† Sonata, Op. 53). A rather notable exception to the harmonic norm of the retransition occurs in the first movement of Brahms's Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 1. The general key of the movement is C major, and it would then follow that the retransition should stress the dominant seventh chord on G. Instead, it builds in strength over the seventh chord on C, as if the music were proceeding to F major.At the height of the musical tension, this chord triumphs with great volume and wide registral scope on the downbeat, only to take up immediately the first theme in C major – that is, without any standard harmonic preparation. Occasionally, the retransition can begin with a false recapitulation, in which the opening material of the first theme group is presented in a key other than the tonic. The surprise that ensues when the music continues to modulate toward the tonic can be used for either comic or dramatic effect. RecapitulationFirst subject group – normally given prominence as the highlight of a recapitulation, it is usually in exactly the same key and form as in the exposition. Transition – Often the transition is carried out by introducing novel material, a kind of brief additional development section; this is called a secondary development. Second subject group – usually in roughly the same form as in the exposition, but now in the home key, which sometimes involves change of mode from major to minor, or vice versa, as occurs in the first movement of Mozart's Symphony No. 0 (K. 550). More often, however, it may be recast in the parallel major of the home key (for example, C major when the movement is in C minor like Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, op. 67/I). Key here is more important than mode (major or minor) – the recapitulation provides the needed balance even if the material's mode is changed, so long as there is no longer any key conflict. Exceptions to the recapitulation form include Mozart and Haydn works that often begin with the second subject group when the first subject group has been elaborated at ength in the development. After the closing cadence, the musical argument proper is said to be completed. If the movement continues, it is said to have a coda. Coda After the final cadence of the recapitulation, the movement may continue with a coda which will contain material from the movement proper. Codas, when present, vary considerably in length, b ut like introductions are not part of the â€Å"argument† of the work. The coda will end, however, with a perfect authentic cadence in the original key.Codas may be quite brief tailpieces, or they may be very long and elaborate. A famous example of the more extended type is the coda to the first movement of Beethoven's Eroica Symphony (no. 3 in E flat), although there are numerous others in Beethoven's music. Explanations for why an extended coda is present vary. One reason may be to omit the repeat of the development and recapitulation sections found in earlier sonata forms of the eighteenth century. Indeed, Beethoven's extended codas often serve the purpose of further development of thematic material.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Atm Skimming

————————————————- ATM Skimming An Ethical Look April 16, 2013 In the world we live in today our currency is promises. Our money is just paper backed by the promise of the United States government to back it up with hard currency, i. e. gold. Due to our lack of hard currency in everyday life there are many different ways to pay for things. These include: checks, credit cards, paper currency, and bank cards. One thing that has not changed about money is that, like every other thing valuable, people will try to steal it no matter its form.One of the most damaging types of thefts now is that of ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Skimming. Most people keep the bulk of their capital in banks. They use ATMs to access that money. Thieves have a way to conspicuously steal the information unique to their accounts so they can access others’ money. This is devastating to people and it is this issue on which I write. On February 12, 2013 an article was written. It was entitled ‘How alleged crooks used ATM skimmers to compromise thousands of accounts’. Federal Authorities have charged two men with running an operation to gain control of over 6,000 bank accounts.The banks targeted included: Capital One, J. P. Morgan Chase, among others. These criminals bought card readers and installed them on top of ATMs and doors to ATMs. They also made hidden pinhole cameras to watch people put in their pins. These people supposedly led a group of 9 or more people who put these devices all over cities. These cities included Manhattan, Chicago, and Milwaukee. The people would then use the information to make fake cards, which would be used for false purchases and withdrawals. This operation had â€Å"stash locations† to manage the information.One such facility had hundreds of hours of footage showing PINs being input. More than 1,000 blank cards were also fo und here. Due to the gravity of the crimes these men face around 40 years in jail. Prosecutors are also moving to seize $3 million from the men. The article goes on to say that ATM skimming has been going on for a decade and thieves are constantly improving their methods. The article suggests that the ATM skimming has been around for over ten years. That surprised me because I had only heard of this recently. Just like all technology, the technology that thieves use to perfect this form of theft also improves with time.The article also indicates that even though law enforcement and the general public are more aware, that this type of theft will not go away any time soon. The bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge. I believe news shows like Dateline NBC and 60 minutes should create stories around this issue. These shows have a large number of viewers and are shown during primetime. Their reporters are well respected and the information they provide is factual and the rep orters are credible. People also should become more aware of their surroundings. There are some precautions a person may keep in mind when using the ATM machine.One precaution is using the machine in daylight or well lit areas. Well lit areas can ensure that one is able to check the machine for any abnormalities or devices that may appear foreign in nature. Another precaution is to use a walk up versus a drive through machine. Driver through machines may be more awkward to maneuver from a car window and thus not as easy to investigate for abnormalities. A final suggestion is to use the ATM attached to a bank with which you are familiar. Convenience stores, dry cleaners, and even gas stations now have ATM machines as incentive to pay with cash for an advertised discount.Many of these machines are sponsored by companies that are not familiar to most consumers. I do not trust this kind of ATM and believe them to be the most susceptible to this kind of theft. What better way to manipula te the ATM machine than to build one and then entice people to use your machine? Banks also have a huge responsibility to inform its customers of the risk factors associated with using an ATM machine. When a person opens an account there should be a brief overview of this threat and even a pamphlet that outlines warning signs and indicators that the ATM may be compromise. Stealing funds from a bank is a federal offense.Though punishable by imprisonment, I would like to see legislation that toughens the sentencing guidelines around this issue. Preying on innocent people who are trying to access their own money is should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. It should not be treated as a white collar crime where the criminal, after being found guilty, spends a few years in a federal â€Å"country club†. They should be made to serve time with other harden criminals and ordered to pay restitution to their victims. The bottom line is we live in a world where some people will always try to create a way to steal from others.These are the people who would rather take advantage of someone versus making an honest living at a worthwhile endeavor. Knowing this we must always keep our eyes open and our minds alert, especially when using an ATM machine. Technological advances will make this difficult for the novice and doing business with a bank that provides for return of your funds if stolen is a plus. However, the feeling of violation when someone takes what rightfully belongs to you and the inconvenience of filing the report and waiting the return of your money are even more recent to stay informed on this issue and be very cautious when using an ATM machine.The act of ATM skimming breaks almost every guideline in the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Article 1. 1 of the ACM Code of Ethics States that we should â€Å"Contribute to society and human well-being† The acts that I have described were the opposite of this ideal. These thieve s selfishly used their knowledge of technology to take advantage of a system and profit from it at the expense of society and human well-being. Other articles that these criminals violated were Article 1. 7 â€Å"Respect the privacy of others† and Article 1. â€Å"Honor confidentiality†. They violated others’ privacy in order to gain from their information. The very core of the ideas from the ACM Code of Conduct stems from the belief that we as technical minded people should help and not hurt others with our knowledge. The advantage that we have been given is to be used for the benefit of, and not the detriment of others. I feel as though these individuals should be given a fair trial under the laws of the United States Court system. If they are found guilty they should be punished to the full extent of the law.They stole from people using knowledge that would have been better served toward helping others than hurting others. They took advantage of the system in a way that was unethical and hurtful. They should repent to society. Bibliography Council, ACM. ACM Code of Ethics. 16 10 1992. Web Site. 16 April 2013. Goodin, Dan. â€Å"How alleged crooks used ATM skimmers to compromise thousands of accounts. † Ars Technica (2013). Internet. Hampton University. Student Technology Guide. n. d. PDF File. 16 April 2013.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


There is a fundamental difference in the definitions of change management and change leadership. Change management is an embodiment of processes and mechanisms that are designed by an organization to effect transformation within the ranks of an organization. Another process that is often mistaken with change management is change leadership, although the two processes might have the same conation, change leadership involves planning and implementing processes, tools or mechanisms that are associated with large scale changes across an organization, it involves putting structures in place to make the institution process go faster, smarter and more efficiently. It should be noted however that with both processes, it is critical to keep things under control as there would be outflow of resources to ensure that the change is kept in perspective. From the above definitions, it is evident that when change management works efficiently, it tends to be associated with smaller structural changes in an organization while change in leadership is fundamentally different as it involves putting structures in place that have the potential to take things out of control; it also involves implementing big visions, empowering people and institutions by placing experienced and dedicated persons at the helm of affairs to minimize risk of failure. Due to the scope of events involved in change leadership, the business world often clamours for change management as change leadership involves bigger leaps, investments, entering windows of opportunity at a fast and challenging pace. It is important however to note that no matter the change effort implemented whether management or leadership, for change to be successful, it must begin with an individual or group of individuals or some group(s) who have to study the current state of the business, ref lect on the organization’s financial performance as well as its market position and initiate a process that requires cooperation from all individuals as without proper motivation, all change effort would be futile. When organizations begin, often much emphasis is placed on leadership and short on management. People responded quickly to change. Organizations could, and often did, roll out new programs promptly without challenges, however as organizations develop the dynamics are different — slower, costlier, stuck in red tape, less tangible, less experimental. That is because big organizations are complex and have to continually evolve to  remain relevant. When organizations are accosted by complexity, people get anxious hence the need for certainty and coordination — in the form of structures, policies, responsibilities, and rules — to push that fear away. We cannot change our fear of complexity rather there needs to be a paradigm shift from management to leadership. Organizations have to remain robust — even as they grow, they must ensure that innovation does not get crushed with the advent of globalization. When organizations have high competencies in management and leadership, they are able to meet challenges today and in the future as businesses should be forward looking. However, most organizations are usually lacking one or the other. When management exists without leadership, the company is often unable to change. However the management methodologies that helped successfully develop organizations a century ago are no longer sufficient. Achieving continuous growth in an ever-increasing, fast paced society requires a change. The key to survival is a good blend of change leadership and change management. Change Leadership The management methodologies that helped successfully develop enterprises throughout the 20th century are no longer sufficient. Driving results in a world of ever-increasing change requires a new kind of leadership. Management is about coping with complexity. Its practices and procedures are largely responses to one of the most significant developments of the twentieth century: the emergence of large organizations. Without good management, complex enterprises tend to become chaotic in ways that threaten their very existence. Good management brings a degree of order and consistency to key dimensions like the quality and profitability of products. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change. Part of the reason it has become so important in recent years is that the business world has become more competitive and more volatile. Faster technological change, greater international competition, the deregulation of markets, overcapacity in capital-intensive industries, an unstable oil cartel, raiders with junk bonds, and the changing demographics of the work-force are among the many factors that have contributed to this shift. We should not try to fight the natural tendency toward coordination and control rather we should embrace change. As a matter of fact, some people will argue against the benefits of consistency as rules they claim offer consistency and, so the theory goes, coherence throughout the organization, but there is a better way to do this than to insist on rigid rules.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Response - Essay Example Such changes may manifest in terms of sweating, inconsistent tonal variation, missed stanzas and inability to capture the attention of the audience. Recitation is very important both to the victim and the audience, and prompt actions ought to be put in place to ensure that the behavior is rekindled during study. Technology has changed the attitude and minds of many readers and poets. They all want to utilize technology in all circles. Other poems are records in the media too. They want to simplify their work. In addition, others are not motivated to recite the poems loudly. They want to utilize technology such as microphone and loudspeakers. Technology limits the poem recitation process. One feels that having a copy of a poem or notes in audio form is enough. However, recitation offers immense benefits. Understanding the benefits will act as a motivating tool to those whose recitation habit is dying away. Reciting the poem aloud creates good attention due to the clear volume, modulation of voice, intonation, and pacing. The habit is especially very beneficial to young children, since it builds up their memory from the very tender age. Consequently, there are immense advantages that accompanied reading poems loudly, hence should undergo the adoption process (Gates, pg.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Pursuit of happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pursuit of happiness - Essay Example According Jon Krakauer, McCandless was a member of well-off family, belonging to the upper middle class who could not have possibly lacked in material provision (Krakauer, 12). However, he chose to leave this life of comfort, ventured into the wilderness and severed ties with his family immediately after his graduation, only to be discovered dead in 1992 (Krakauer, 7). Henry David Thoreau also sought to separate from the world of abundance and provision, and learnt to live a simple life and a life of self-sufficiency for a period of two years to search for essence of life (Thoreau, 2). Therefore, the actions of these two individuals serves to show that the pursuit for happiness is characterized by separation from material provision, so that an individual can learn the essence of life outside of the comfort that is created by materiality. The materiality concept causes people to lose touch with the essence of life, rather becoming more engrossed in the accumulation of the material wea lth, while failing to celebrate life itself. The tranquility of mind is a basic necessity for achieving true happiness (, n.p.). The tranquility of mind on the other hand is achievable in a state of solitude. Solitude as a core element of self-awareness and realization is an important component in the pursuit for happiness. The actions of the three outsiders serves to show that solitude is the fundamental step towards deep reflection of life, capable of developing the meaning of life, in a manner that social life cannot be able to do. This is because; social relationships come with responsibilities which hinders free existence and the exploration of leisure (Thoreau, 77). Therefore, it is only by managing to stay away from social relationships that an individual can manage to dream fully, experience unlimited leisure and freedom. The same case is identifiable in the lives of both

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Literature ReviewEvaluation (Cryptorchidism and Maternal Alcohol Essay

Literature ReviewEvaluation (Cryptorchidism and Maternal Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy) - Essay Example Before doing the purpose statement, the authors have briefly discussed the problem of cryptorchidism in that it is a very common genital malformation in males, of which the aetiology is unknown. A brief review of literature on this topic has been done by the authors, and they have clearly indicated the possibility of implications of developmental genetic defects and other fetomaternal factors. Out of this literature review, the authors make a case for such a study in that the prevalence of such a disorder has been connected with parental lifestyle changes and environmental factors. Since normal testicular descent happens in two phases, transabdominal from 8 to 17 gestational weeks and inguinoscrotal from 26 to 35 weeks of gestation. Therefore, the authors argue that the physical, chemical, and biological, and endocrinologic stimuli for descent of testes lie in the fetus and the mother. The literature review assumes great importance here, since to hypothesize the research question, th e authors have done a thorough search of relevant literature. The authors connect maternal alcohol consumption as a probably cause for this. ... The authors rightly argue that most of the existing researches used retrospective data that might be compromised by recall and selection bias. Therefore, the authors establish the purpose of the research in that if a positive association is probable and indeed exists, it would be worthwhile to undertake the research so it may help prevent this problem in the newborn. Hypothesis: With a precise and succinct literature review, the authors logically derive the scientific thread of the assumption that maternal alcohol consumption may corrupt the fetal environment in uterus during pregnancy when the fetus is developing. Therefore, the reader is keen to believe the hypothesis that maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy is positively associated with cryptorchidism. However, the gap in the existing research can be filled up by a prospective population-based cohort of pregnant women and their male offspring. To be able to do this, the authors used both qualitative and quantitative information on maternal alcohol consumption and other data on confounding lifestyle factors. The hypothesis statement is precise, well-structured, and generates interest in the reader, so he is keen to know the findings in the authors' research. Methods: Since this is a questionnaire study across different locations, the authors standardised the questionnaire, and the responses were collected in the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. Detailed history of alcoholism was collected in relationship with the frequency, amount, and binge episodes. Other lifestyle parameters were also collected. It was a joint perspective birth cohort study with sufficient sampling to be able to generate validity and reliability. Simultaneous with the

How Monetary and Fiscal Policies were Implemented during the Recession Essay

How Monetary and Fiscal Policies were Implemented during the Recession - Essay Example In order to curb this, the government of the United States, and the international monetary fund, took some micro and macroeconomic measures to curb this trend, which led to a great economic down turn. This was achieved by using some monetary and fiscal policies. The monetary process is the process through which the central bank and other money rendering institutions of a country controls the supply of money, the availability of money and the cost of money or the interest rate so that they can achieve a certain common objective. These objectives are done towards the growth and stability of the economy. The monetary policies can be either the contractionary or the expansionary objective. The aim of the expansionary policy increases the total supply of money in the economy, while the contractionary policies decrease the supply of money in the economy. ... It is the mandate of the federal reserve of the United States to enact the monetary policies. Board of governors runs the Federal Reserve. The factors, which they considered and applied to curb inflationary tendencies, are the reserve requirements, discount rate, open market operations, and printing money. Most banks in many countries changed the reserve requirements to encourage more banks to start in order to increases the amount of money circulating in the economy. The central banks of these countries have the authority to change the amount that banks should hold in the central bank so that they can be given the right to operate. In the US, the Federal Reserve has the supremacy to set the quantity of the deposits that the associate banks can deposit in order to be given the mandate to operate. To curb the recession, the FED decreased the amount of reserve deposits. The motive was to encourage more investors in the banking industry therefore increasing the amount of money circulati ng in the economy. This monetary objective achieved its goal since more banks had more money at hand, which increased spending, and possibly inflation (East Tennessee State University web). The other monetary policy used was the discount rate. Discount rate is the discount on the rate of interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges on the banks on the money that they borrow from the Federal Reserve. The central banks decreased or lowered the discount rate during recession. Their objective was to encourage the banks to borrow money from the central banks at a lower rate to increase the amount of money circulating in the economy. This would in turn encourage