Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Interpretations of Guernica

It is certain to say that Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous and influential artist of the twentieth century. Many of his paintings have deep meaning to them, but the painting Guernica was one of his work that really stood out – to me, at least. The painting was inspired by the bombing of German and Italian forces on the Spanish Basque town called Guernica. The factors in it can symbolize many things and people will have different interpretations on it, but two factors that are boldly present in the artwork and that are controversial between many critics are the bull and the horse. These two elements of the painting have numerous perspectives from many different critics. Also, the absence of critical elements in the painting to the bombing of Guernica plays an important role of how people perceive this painting. An interesting perspective of this painting comes from an American professor of History of Art at the University of Virginia named Frederick Hartt. He relates the bull to a Minotaur: a creature that has a head of a bull and a body of a man. In the ancient Greek and ancient Roman cultures, this hybrid creature is a symbol of violence and rage. Hartt, however, relates the Minotaur to the view of the Surrealists as a symbol to man’s irrational side and contrasts this symbol with the symbol of the horse. Hartt says, â€Å"If the Minotaur symbolizes the irrationality of Fascism and man's mistreatment of man, the horse represents the anguish of Spanish citizens, and the end of civilization. † In contrast to Hartt’s belief of the symbolism in the bull, a poet and a friend of Picasso named Juan Larrea thought the complete opposite. He does not see the bull as a Minotaur that symbolizes irrationality and violence; instead, Larrea see the bull as the representation of the anger and fury of the Guernica people. He believes this because the bull is a â€Å"totem† of the Peninsula area. On another note, Larrea and Hartt have simular thoughts about the horse. Larrea says, â€Å"The horse is invariably full of ignoble and depressive features and there can be little doubt that it stands in the painter’s mind for nothing more nor less than the Nationalist Spain. † Another view on the bull is that the bull is â€Å"outside the catastrophe† and â€Å"unaffected. This perception of the painting is from a German Gestalt psychologist named Rudolf Arnheim. In his book, The Genesis of a Painting: Picasso's Guernica, Arnheim writes about the relationship between the bull and the suffering mother holding her baby. With the bull’s snout resting on the mother’s head like a roof, he believ es that the bull is trying to protect the mother, but fails in doing so. Even though its flaming tail shows its internal passion, the bull is unable to aid the mother and is absent, but still acknowledgeable of the scene. John Berger, a English art critic, novelist, painter, and author, mentions the horse and bull in his book The Success and failure of Picasso. He writes about the position and poses of both the bull and horse; the bull seems to be mimicking the horse as both their bodies and heads are posed the same position and facing the same direction. Berger also mentions contrast in these two animals: the horse looks as if it is freaking out and in pain, as opposed to the bull, which is motionless and has no emotion on its face besides a remote look of caution. It is obvious this painting is full of pain and distress, but there is something missing: the cause and protest of all it. The artwork consist of only a dead child, a bull, a horse, four women, an electric light, a lantern, and a bird; no soldiers, bombs, or explosions. As John Berger suggests, Picasso did not try to recreate the actual event in his painting; he had chosen not to represent the attack on Guernica literally. He did not need to show the attacks, but show the cost of conflict; this cost is shown in what has happened to the bodies. Berger says, â€Å"We are made to feel their pain with our eyes. And pain is the protest of the body. † Picasso’s images move the world from the specifics of the devastation of Guernica to the more universal and general suffering that is caused by war. The absence of the main elements of war in Guernica also makes the painting a general symbol of pain and horror, not just the pain and horror derived from war. It has been said that much of Picasso’s art was autobiographical. The fact that the images of death and destruction in Guernica are not clearly referring to the result of a bombing and the fact that it is not clear where the scene is at has led Mary Mathews Gedo, a clinical psychologist and art historian, to believe the painting Guernica not only represented the bombing of the town of Guernica, but also represented Picasso’s early memories from his life. The source of influence was both the historical event and â€Å"a source deep within him† says Gedo. Thus, as well as a work of political force, Guernica also holds an autobiographical element within its creation. From the bull symbolizing a Minotaur to protection, and the horse indicating the people of Guernica to the whole nation of Spain, critics discuss these factors and share the many different interpretations of what these two animals indicate. The act of Picasso not including any war-like elements, other than death and destruction, in the painting makes even more and deeper interpretations by critics. The meaning of Guernica is a broad subject and everyone is going to have different interpretations on it.

How Many Different Types of Memory System Are There?

Although the belief that memory is composed of several distinct systems is not novel, it is only around the mid 20th century that experimental studies carried out on amnesic patients have started to confirm it (Squire, 2004). This essay will discuss the different types of memory systems that have been found, their distinctions and evidence supporting their existence derived from studies on amnesiacs. Atkinson and Shiffrin’s (1968) multi-store model suggests that memory is a flow of information processed through three stores (Myers, 2010).The first system called sensory memory (SM) processes mainly visual and auditory information from our environment (Myers, 2010). It is made up of several components associated with each sense and filters information experienced by the senses – iconic SM which receives visual information has a very short retention time of merely a half of a second while echoic SM which receives auditory stimuli has a slightly longer retention time of thr ee to four seconds (Sperling, 1960; Myers, 2010). If attention is brought to sensory information, it is transferred to the next system called short term memory (STM) (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).This system processes visual and auditory information received from SM for approximately one minute and also temporarily uses retrieved information from the long-term memory for problem-solving (Myers, 2010). Miller’s (1956) study has shown that STM is not only limited in retention duration but also in capacity having on average a storage capacity of seven bits of information whether verbal or numerical (Myers, 2010). The last system is long term memory (LTM), often referred to as the ‘permanent storage’ (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).As its name suggests, it has unlimited capacity to store a vast amount of information such as motor skills, language, autobiographical and factual information (Baddeley, Eysenck, & Anderson, 2009). The three basic memory stores are distinct from each other in terms of encoded information, capacity and duration of information retention (McLeod, 2007). One of the strongest evidence to support this distinction lies in Murdock’s (1962) experiment – when presented with a list of words, the tendency was that the participants would more likely recall the first words (primacy effect) and the last words (recency effect) than the words in the iddle of the list (Myers, 2010). This is known as the serial position effect whereby the first words are recalled since they have been transferred to LTM and the last words were still accessible in STM (Myers, 2010). However, the middle words were present for too long to be in the STM but not long enough to be encoded in LTM, giving evidence that STM and LTM are two different and separate stores (McLeod, 2008). Research on patients suffering from amnesia also support the multi-store model (Groome, 2006).One classic case is reported by Corkin (1968) about a patient HM who suffered from anterograde amnesia – He was unable to form new memories and lost part of his existing memories (Groome, 2006). However, despite his inability to create new memories, he was still able to have a conversation thus indicating that his STM processes were intact with normal capacity and duration (Wickelgren, 1968 as cited in Groome, 2006). He lost the capacity of only one store hence supporting the idea that STM and LTM are separated (Groome, 2006).Another case is a patient known as KF who suffered damaged to his STM – he was still able to temporarily recall visual information but could not process auditory information which made conversation difficult (Myers, 2010). On the other hand, his LTM processes were retained, again providing evidence that STM and LTM are separated systems (Myers, 2010). Although KF’s case study explicitly provides strong evidence for distinction of STM and LTM, it also questions the idea of having only one STM (Groome, 2006).The damage in KF’s STM seemed to have only affected the echoic and verbal aspects leaving the visual aspects intact (Groome, 2006). This suggests that STM is more complex and has separate stores for visual and auditory processing (Groome, 2006). Based on this finding, Baddeley and Hitch (1974) argued that STM illustrated by the multi-store model is too simplistic (McLeod, 2008). They developed another model of STM known as the Working Memory (WM) which comprised of a two subsystems controlled by the central executive (Groome, 2006).The central executive takes on cognitive processes such as problem-solving while controlling allocation of data to the two subsystems namely Phonological loop (PL) which deals with auditory and speech-based information and visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSS) which, as its name suggests, holds information about visual and spatial information (McLeod, 2008; Groome, 2006). By analyzing in more depth KF’s case study, it is reported that KF had suffered impairme nt of his PL but still had his VSS abilities, hence providing support that STM is not unitary but in fact divided into subsystems (Warrington & Shallice, 1972 as cited in Groome, 2006).Similarly, HM who had an impaired LTM was unable to form new memories but surprisingly could still learn new motor skills although he was not aware that he actually learnt the skills (Groome, 2006). This finding questions the unified nature of LTM and suggests that there are two memory systems (Squire, 2004). McDougall (1924) investigated the term implicit memory which involves unconscious learning and explicit memory which involves learning with consciousness (Graf & Schacter, 1985; Schacter, 1987; Brooks, 2012).Cohen and Squire (1980) suggested that amnesiacs such as HM had an impaired explicit or declarative memory which hindered their abilities to recall previous or make new memories of facts and events (Groome, 2006). They referred implicit memory as procedural memory involved in knowledge of ski lls which would explain why HM could still learn new motor skills (Groome, 2006). According to Tulving, Schacter and Stark (1982), declarative or explicit memory can be further separated into two conscious systems: episodic and semantic memory (Squire, 2004).Episodic memory contains autobiographical contents, is a record of a person’s personal history such as birth dates and deals with past experiences (Tulving 1972; 1993; 2002). In contrast, semantic memory is a storage system of facts, meanings of words and general knowledge of the world such as the capital of cities (Tulving, 1972). Research on memory is arduous and the problems questioned are not easily solved (Tulving, 1985). At the beginning, the answer to the title question would be ‘three’ but when looking into further research based on studies of amnesiacs, the number increased to about approximately ‘seven’.However, being aware of the difficult nature of memory and the limitations of its st udy, the more reasonable and sensible answer would be ‘at least three and probably many more’ (Tulving, 1985). References Atkinson, R. C. , & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. W. Spence & J. T. Spense (Eds. ), The psychology of learning and motivation (pp. 13-195). New York, NY: Academic Press. Baddeley, A. D. , Eysenck, M. W. , & Anderson, M. C. (2009). Memory. New York: Psychology Press. Baddeley, A.D. , & Hitch, G. J. (1974). Working memory. In G. A. Bower (Ed. ), Recent advances in learning and motivation (pp. 47-90). New York, NY: Academic Press. Brooks, S. L. (2012). Long-term memory of American Sign Language in a chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes). Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies. San Diego State University. Cohen, N. J. , & Squire, L. R. (1980). Preserved learning and retention of pattern-analyzing skill in amnesia: Dissociation of â€Å"knowing how† and â€Å"knowing that? ‘ Science, 210. Milner, B. , Corkin, S. , & Teuber, H. L. 1968). Further analysis of the hippocampal amnesic syndrome: 14 year follow-up study of H. M.. Neuropsychologia, 6. Graf, P. and Schacter, D. L. (1985). Implicit and explicit memory for new associations in normal and amnesic subjects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11. Groome, D. (2006). An introduction to cognitive psychology: processes and disorders. 2nd ed. New York: Psychology Press. McDougall, W. (1923). Outline of Psychology. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. McLeod, S. A. (2007). Short Term Memory. online] Retrieved from: http://www. simplypsychology. org/short-term-memory. html [Accessed: 7 Mar 2013]. McLeod, S. A. (2008). Primacy-Recency. [online] Retrieved from: http://www. simplypsychology. org/primacy-recency. html [Accessed: 7 Mar 2013]. Miller, G. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63. Murd ock, B. B. (1962). The serial position effect of free recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64. Myers, D. (2010). Psychology. 9th ed.New York: Worth Publishers. Schacter, D. L. (1987). Implicit Memory: History and Current Status. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 13 (3). Sperling, G. (1960). The information available in brief visual presentations. Psychological Monographs, 74. Squire, L. R. (2004). Memory systems of the brain: A brief history and current perspective. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 82. Tulving, E. , Schacter, D. L. , & Stark, H. A. (1982). Priming effects in word-fragment completion are independent of recognition memory.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8. Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. In E. Tulving & W. Donaldson (Eds. ), Organization of memory (pp. 381-403). New York: Academic Press. Tulving, E. (1985). Memory and consciousness. Canadian Psychology, 26. Tulving, E. (1985). How many memory systems are there? American Psychologist. 40(4). Tulving, E. (1993). What is episodic memory? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2. Tulving, E. (2002). Episodic memory: From mind to brain. Annual Review of Psychology, 53.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Impact of Economic Factors on Engagement with Pro-Environmental Measures

THE ENVIRONMENT Introduction: On most occasions, conservationist, and authorities bureaus tell us on the benefits of conserving the environment. This is because the universe is witnessing a series of environmental devastations, which range from devastation of woods, pollution of rivers, lakes and air. People argue that it is of import to continue the environment because they play a large function in prolonging the lives of persons. For illustrations, trees help in the formation of rainfall, which is an indispensable demand for agribusiness to last. Forests are natural home grounds of animate beings, and on this footing, destructing woods, will intend the devastation of wild animate beings. This in bend will interrupt the environmental eco-system ( Brooks, 2010 ) . Despite the importance of conserving the environment, most people still prosecute in its devastation. The grounds advanced for their engagement in destructing the environment are, poorness, population growing, and hunt of income. This paper identifies the grounds as to why people still prosecute in the devastation of the environment, despite the of import function that the environment plays in our society. Search for beginnings of income/ gross: Search for beginnings of gross and income is one of the major factors that lead to the devastation of the environment. Take for illustration oil geographic expedition and excavation is a factor that makes people to destruct the environment ( Tisdell, 2005 ) . Oil is an of import natural resource that all most all the economic systems of the universe demand. Oil is needed to drive the transit industry, which is indispensable for the growing of a country’s economic system ( Leydesdorff, 2007 ) . Oil plays a large function in using 1000000s of people all over the universe, and states such as Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, Libya, etc depend on oil production to prolong their economic systems. This is because oil is the major beginning of foreign gross for these states ( Tachibana, 2000 ) . It is of import to denote that oil geographic expedition and excavation play a great function in the devastation of the environment. Oil has the capableness of destructing the lives of animate beings, and human existences. Take for case the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill which was responsible for leaking about 60,000 barrels of oil into the ocean ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . This had an effecting of killing sea animate beings, which included mahimahis, sea polo-necks, giants, etc. This oil spill was chiefly caused because of oil geographic expedition by BP Oil Company. The ground of these geographic expeditions was to mine oil, for commercial intents. Petroleum companies are besides accused of dumping toxic oil wastes on nearby rivers and Waterss. This has a cause of fouling the environment, and destructing the lives of Marine animate beings populating in these H2O systems ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . Petroleum companies are commercial companies, whose chief purpose is to sale oil merchandises for intents of doing net incomes, and grosss. Income net incomes and gross is non merely restricted to oil geographic expedition, but besides to the devastation of woods, and killing of wild animate beings. For illustration, people cut down trees for intents of acquiring wood. Wood is used to do lumber, a resource that is used to fabricate chairs, and edifice of houses ( Colson, 2011 ) . These are for commercial intents. The violent death of wild animate beings is besides carried out for intents of doing gaining an income, and due to poverty. For illustration, poachers normally kill elephants and rhinos for their ivories, and horns. Elephant Ivories are ever sold in Asia, and are used as beauty merchandises, and for intents of doing medical specialty. The same happens to the horns that poachers get from rhinos. Population Growth: Population growing is besides another factor that deters the preservation of the environment ( Newing, 2010 ) . Because of population growing, world has been forced to look for other topographic points of abode ( Likar, 2011 ) . This will do them to unclutter and destruct woods, as a consequence taking to the devastation of trees, and break of the eco-system. As celebrated earlier, woods are home grounds of wild animate beings, and birds. Destroying woods will take to the decease of some of these animate beings, because they may non happen other home grounds. The devastation of woods is non the lone negative environmental harm that population growing causes. Due to the high figure of people, there is the overconsumption of natural resources such as H2O, oil, nutrient, and even land ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . This consequences to doing these resources scarce. Scarcity of these environmental resources might take to unhealthy competition amongst people, in order to entree the resources under consideration. Peoples besides emit waste merchandises, because of their ingestion activities. This includes H2O, and air pollutants, toxic waste stuff, extra foods, and green house gases. Waste substances such as untreated sewerage may take to the devastation of an individual’s wellness. Other waste merchandises, such as inordinate N have an impact of doing the blooming of algals, in H2O supplies. This will take to the depletion of O, taking to the decease of marine animate beings such as fish ( Calhoun, 2005 ) . To protect the environment by restricting the growing of the environment, states such as China have adopted the one kid policy. This is whereby all twosomes are forced to bear to give birth to merely one kid. India besides has such sort of a policy, and the chief purpose of presenting these types of policy is to cut down the population growing of persons(Environmental issues. 2010 ). There has besides been some unreal method of commanding population growing, and this includes the usage of household planning methods ( Chancellor, 2009 ) . As a method of commanding the population growing in their states, authorities normally promote the usage of household planning methods. Poverty: Poverty is besides another factor that makes people to destruct the environment. In most states of the universe, specifically in the development states, there is the devastation of croping lands, dirt and woods because of over graze. These methods are ever efficient in commanding the population of a province, and therefore protecting an environment. As the growing rate of poorness additions, people destroy the environment faster, and more rapidly. The people over use the environment, such as dirt, land and woods, because they do non hold other beginnings of income, except by utilizing the natural resources under their range ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . It is of import to denote that because of poorness, the hapless will utilize the natural resources under their range for intents of fulfilling their footing demands. This will include fetching and utilizing firewood to cook, overdriving land for agricultural production, and usage of wild workss and H2O for medical specialty ( Canava ri and Food, 2002 ) . Poor people lack good and better instruction which can assist them to procure good occupations and beginnings of income. On this footing, they lack the quality of life that can do them to utilize electricity for cookery intents, or for other sectors of their domestic life ( Michna, 2010 ) . Electricity can assist in restricting the firewood concern that these people engage in. This is because persons will non depend on firewood as their beginnings of energy. To undertake poorness, the assorted authoritiess need to ordain policies aimed making employment, and bettering the instruction system of a province. The authorities can promote the usage of their trade accomplishments in assisting the hapless to gain income ( Hambler, 2004 ) . But this should happen in a mode that is suited for the saving of the environment. To cover with poorness, policies from the authorities are non sufficient. The authorities needs to spouse with private establishments and non-governmental organisations for intents of promoting them to educate people on the assorted ways of undertaking poorness ( Takeuchi, 2006 ) . This will be effectual because non-governmental organisations usually have an entree to the people, because of their grass root connexions. The hapless can be educated on the importance of continuing the environment ( Graetz, 2011 ) . This will do the hapless to hold knowledge on the benefits of the environment, doing them to utilize the natural resources under their range in a sustainable method. Decision: In decision, poorness, hunt for income, and population growing are some of the factors that encourage people non to prosecute in pro-environmental steps. As discussed in this paper, due to poverty, people will seek to unsuitably utilize the environment for intents of prolonging themselves. This includes film editing of woods for intents of acquiring lumber, over-using the land resource under their ownership, for agricultural intents, and over-grazing. However, with the usage of appropriate authorities policy, it is possible to cut down the degrees of poorness within a province. Search for income is another ground for depletion of the environment, and this usually takes the signifier of geographic expeditions and excavation. This is a really hard issue to work out, because authoritiess are ever in a quandary. That is, whether to halt the geographic expeditions or whether to go on with the geographic expeditions. Stoping the geographic expedition will intend losing a beginning of gross, while go oning with the geographic expedition will intend destructing the environment. Population growing on the other manus is easy to work out. All that a province demands to make is to make a policy restricting the figure of kids an person can give birth to. Mentions: Brooks, J. S. ( 2010 ) . Economic And Social Dimensions Of Environmental Behavior: Reconciliation Conservation And Development In Bhutan.Conservation Biology,24( 6 ) , 1499-1509. Calhoun, Y. ( 2005 ) .Conservation. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers. Canavari, M. , & A ; Food, A. ( 2002 ) .Economic surveies on nutrient, agribusiness and the environment: Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, Bologna, Italy, June 12- 14, 2001. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic/Plenum. Chancellor, D. ( 2009 ) .Food waste. London: Wayland. Colson, M. ( 2011 ) .The environment. Chicago, Ill. : Raintree. Environmental issues. ( 2010 ) . New Delhi: IFA Publications. Graetz, M. J. ( 2011 ) .The terminal of energy the unmaking of America ‘s environment, security, and independency. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press. Hambler, C. ( 2004 ) .Conservation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Harper, C. L. , & A ; Fletcher, T. H. ( 2011 ) .Environment and society: human positions on environmental issues( Canadian ed. ) . Toronto: Pearson Canada. Imanaka, T. ( 1997 ) . Global environment. How protect and surrogate? Interaction between environment and being. Both environment and organisms support on changing.. Kagaku to Seibutsu,35( 3 ) , 178-181. Leydesdorff, L. ( 2007 ) . Environment and Planing B: Planning and Design as a diary: the interdisciplinarity of its environment and the commendation impact.Environment and Planning Bacillus: Planning and Design,34( 5 ) , 826-838. Likar, L. E. ( 2011 ) .Eco-warriors, nihilistic terrorists, and the environment. Santa Barbara, Caliph: Praeger. Michna, J. ( 2010 ) .Risk direction on energy and enviromental preservation in CCE states. New York: Heinmman. Newing, H. ( 2010 ) . Interdisciplinary preparation in environmental preservation: definitions, advancement and future waies.Environmental Conservation,37( 04 ) , 410-418. Tachibana, H. ( 2000 ) . Engineering chance for environment in 2000. Prospect of sound environment. Technological reappraisal of sound environment..Journal of Environmental Conservation Engineering,29( 2 ) , 149-156. Takeuchi, K. ( 2006 ) . Hydrology uniting planetary environment and human environment. Proceedings of the Symposium on Global Environment,14, 307-307. Tisdell, C. A. ( 2005 ) .Economicss of environmental preservation( 2nd ed. ) . Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub..

Monday, July 29, 2019

Volver, A Separation, The White Ribbon, Tsotsi, Departures, Animal Essay

Volver, A Separation, The White Ribbon, Tsotsi, Departures, Animal Kingdom and The Secret in their Eyes - Essay Example This study highlights that although South Africa’s Johannesburg is more urbane than any other city in Africa, yet the featuring of the neighboring sprawling and (in)famous Soweto slum makes the plot of the movie more plausible. Another instance which reinstates this sense of authenticity is the presentation of large construction pipes which serve as Tsotsi and his gang’s domicile. Otherwise, it would be out of order to speak of Tsotsi’s crime as taking place within Johannesburg. This paper declares that the author also uses special effect filmmaking strategies to make the setting very plausible and congruent with the plot. Specifically, lightning techniques have been used to this effect. In instances where Tsotsi and his gang carry night raids, weak light is used, thereby making the audience believe that such criminal undertakings are nocturnal. Through the use of silhouettes, Tsotsi and his protà ©gà ©s are also densely shadowed, so that they are easily identified as malefactors. The failure to use proper lighting could have portrayed Tsotsi’s criminal exploits as taking place during daytime, and thereby painting Johannesburg as an insecure, crime-riddled city where crimes happen even during broad daylight. Lance Gewer and Gavin Hood as the director and cinematographer respectively showcase their dexterity and ingenuity in filmmaking by making the movie polyglot. The movie consists of languages such as English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa and isiZulu, and thereby rightly painting Johannesburg not only as a polyglot but also a cultural melting pot.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Torism, rituals and food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Torism, rituals and food - Essay Example Tourism is mostly positively related to rituals. Wherever there is a ritual, there are likely to be tourists. This is because rituals give tourists exactly what they are looking for – a deep cultural experience.. Nevertheless, not all travel has such profound meaning. If the travel and the on-site experience is largely activity orientated, it could be the case that there is no chance for Arnold van Gennep’s sacred ‘away-ness’ of those who travel from home. The typical package holiday could be an excellent example of a trip with limited, or no overt symbolic meaning (Burns, 1999). Food is life†, says Robert Poor (2001). This adage came to life when I visited Delhi, a colorful city in the middle of an even colorful country, India. In this essay, I will talk about the ritual of Eid-ul-Adha, a ritual celebrated by Muslims for its religious values. The central, most remarkable attraction of Bari Eid (or the Big Eid) is food. The central, most remarkable pu rpose of it is to give away, share and sacrifice. Therefore, to see how Muslims sacrifice animals and give them away is what attracts tourism in Islamic countries at that time of the year. Ritual. What is a ritual? David Floyd defines it as a patterned, repetitive, and symbolic enactment of a cultural belief or value; its primary purpose is transformation (Grimes, 2002). Why do people perform these repetitive, almost ceremonial acts? People perform them because tradition prescribes it. ... Philosophy without religion becomes meaningless. Religion without rituals becomes insipid. The rituals of a religion, like the husk of a seed, preserve its life and make it germinate. It is only when the rituals are separated from the faith and assumes an independent existence that they become mechanical and lifeless. (Understanding Hinduism) Eid-ul-Adha Muslims celebrate two Eids annually; Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. The first one follows the month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast. The second one marks the end of the Pilgrimage to Mecca and is celebrated in the month of Zilhajj, an Islamic month that follows the lunar calendar. On this Eid, an animal in sacrificed in the honor of Abraham's sacrifice of his son. The essential significance of this festival is the spirit of sacrifice (qurbani) in memory of Abraham's great act of faith many centuries ago. (Gilchrist, 2001) The day starts off with a prayer that is scheduled for early morning. The men go to mosques while the women stay home and thank their Lord for all he has given along with the ability to sacrifice. After the prayer, the process of Qurbani or sacrifice starts. People buy domestic animals such as sheep, goats, cows and even camels a few days before the big day. They feed them and take care of them. On Eid, they sacrifice them. This process continues throughout the day and night for some people but for me, the goat was set to be halaaled just before 10:00 am.After the sacrifice, the meat is distributed amongst friends and the needy. People cook this meat in a variety of ways and invite friends and family over to share the occasion. By afternoon, I tasted the first bite of my sacrificed meat. The menu had a variety of scrumptious delicacies. I noticed that the meat was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Climate Change Effects on Operations of Saint Lucie Reactor Case Study

Climate Change Effects on Operations of Saint Lucie Reactor - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that the recent accidents at Chernobyl, Three mile islands and Japan have opened the eyes of the global public and currently many studies are going on to assess the climate change effects on operations of nuclear reactors. â€Å"The threat of global climate change has pushed governments around the world to consider alternative energy sources, including nuclear energy. As the interest in nuclear power increases, serious discussions on safety must resume before moving forward†. St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power station located on St. Lucie County in Florida. It is a twin unit commissioned in 1976 and operating with pressurized water reactors. This nuclear power plant is located near the ocean and has two nuclear reactors. The current nuclear reactor accidents caused in Japan due to tsunami attack have raised many concerns about the effects of climate changes on Nuclear power plants such as St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. This paper analy ses the possible climate change effects on St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. From the above statistics, it is evident that St. Lucie nuclear power station consists of two pressurized water reactors each having electrical output of 839MWe. Pressurized water reactors are normally comes under the light water reactor (LWR) category. In all forms of pressurized water reactors, water is used as coolant which is pumped at a high pressure to the reactor’s core in order to convert it into heated water using the heat energy liberated by the fission reaction or chain reaction. It should be noted that the high pressure helps water prevents the water from becoming steam at this juncture.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Nash Disease (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) Essay

Nash Disease (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) - Essay Example As well known, exercise increases the body temperature and in turn raises the rate of metabolic reaction, which assists in melting of fats in the body. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is one such controversial disease in the field of medicine whose main causes are not clearly known. Nonalcoholic steotohepatitis disease refers to condition that causes inflammation, accumulation of fats and tissues as well as damage of the liver. In the view of Kaplan (2011), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease occurs to individuals who consume little or no alcoholic drinks. However, pathologists have placed large correlation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease with diabetes, obesity and resistance of insulin by the body. Causes of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Disease In the views of Kaplan (2011), there are no defined causes of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease. However, medical research conducted with reference to this disease reveal that the disease has got close links with other certain identifiable diseases. One of the discovered complementary diseases linked with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is obesity. Kaplan (2011) asserts that more than 70% of patients diagnosed with NASH disease had cases of obesity. Large number of obese people discovered to suffer from NASH had exceeded their maximum body weight by over 10% to 40%. Diabetes is also illustrated as one of the complimentary diseases to NASH. Medical research has additionally indicated that 75% of individuals diagnosed with NASH disease exhibited signs of diabetes mellitus 2. In the views of Kaplan (2011), about 20%-80% of the patients suffering from NASH had signs of hyperlipidemia in their blood. Hyperlipidemia disease is caused by excess lipids in the blood of an individual. This condition leads to blockage of blood vessels resulting to development of coronary disease that reduces amount of blood supply to the heart. This leads to hypertension due to straining of the heart in an attempt to circulate blood t o the entire body. Resistance to insulin secretion is another probable complimentary disease associated with NASH. Absence of insulin in the body leads to increase in the sugar levels of the blood. This condition if accumulated leads to the development of diabetes mellitus. Another probable cause of NASH disease is the use of certain drugs and toxins, which causes complications related to the NASH disease (Kaplan, 2011). Drugs that have been noticed to cause NASH in the field of medicine include the amiodarone, which encompasses corderone, and pacerone, steroids that encompass predisone and hydrocortisone, tamoxifen and synthetic estrogens. In addition, Kaplan (2011) confirms that use of chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides poison the cells thereby resulting to the development of the NASH disease. Symptoms of NASH Disease According to Kaplan (2011), NASH disease displays no clear symptoms that may lead to its easy detection. This is because NASH disease only develops throug h a progressive damage of the liver with increase with its severity. The only conditions that have been used to detect and test for NASH in the bodies of patients have been fatigue, general body illness, and pain in the upper right abdomen. However, medical practitioners disclose that cases of NASH may not have severe liver problems over a long period

Thursday, July 25, 2019

American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

American History - Essay Example Throughout the 20th century, Immigration law has swung back and forth, at times welcoming Mexican immigrants and at other times slamming the door shut on them. The public reception of this Mexican group has also been quite unpredictable; although they have been able to make a place for themselves in communities across the United States, but frequently they have had to battle hostile elements in the same communities to survive. Till today, in many ways, this push-and-pull dynamic continues. Mexican immigrants and their descendants now constitute of a significant portion of the U.S. population and are one of the most influential social and cultural groups in the country. Mexican American culture is very likely to shape U.S. life in language, politics, food, and daily living and will help define the nation's identity for a new century. Spanish-speaking people have lived in North America since the colonization of Mexico by Spaniards in the sixteenth century, and ever since Mexicans have always played a crucial role in the continent's cultural and historical growth. Everything changed with the War that broke out between the U.S. and Mexico In 1846 over the U.S. annexation of Texas. Mexico was defeated, and the two nations signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. This treaty gave U.S an enormous amount of land, including what would later become the present day states of California and Texas, as well as parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Nevada. With two strokes of a pen U.S had expanded by a third of what it was and overnight, thousands and thousands of Mexicans had become residents of the United States. As the Mexican American community grew over the years, it became increasingly prominent in public life of Americans. As Mexican territories metamorphosed into states, they began to affect the balance of power in the U.S. government. The entertainment industry also displayed some awareness of the new importance of Mexican culture. The positive half was about romanticized images of life south of the border but the negative side of it perpetuated gross ethnic stereotypes and racist slurs.Today, Mexican immigrants and their descendants occupy a more significant place in American cultural life than they ever did before. Mexican Americans now reside in all regions of the country and have seeped into most professions and trades. Statistical figures by the government show that, by the next two generations, more than 25 percent of the U.S. population will be of Latin American origin American political officials perceive this movement as a hope for "recon Questa" which means "to re-conquer a lost territory" and consider it to be a deliberate political conspiracy. The greatest impact of Mexican immigration seems to be the growing Latin American influence on the everyday life of all Americans in terms of Mexican clothing, music, architecture, literature, and food. It is very apparent that Mexicans have been part of life in the present-day U.S. long before it was a self-governing country. What impact can this group possibly have on the nation's future Glenn Spencer, president of Voices of

Biomechanics of a Sporting Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Biomechanics of a Sporting Movement - Essay Example Biomechanics explains and describes and even predicts the mechanical side of human sports, exercises and play body movements. Biomechanics usually studies the mechanics of living things, including the forces that exerted by muscles and gravity on the animal's skeletal framework. Some examples of Biomechanics researches include the study of forces that is exerted on a bird's wings, the aerodynamics of a flying bird or insect, the beauty of a fish swimming in the water and the locomotion in animals and plants. Biomechanics of human beings falls under the study of Kinesiology. People sometimes wonder why the shark swims faster than its prey. In sports, there is a need for coaches and trainers that aid the athletes excel in their sports thru the study of biomechanics. This essay shows technically what biomechanics and how it helps the athlete win tournaments. BIOMECHANICS (Mccomb, 2004) is concerned with the application of physic's law of mechanics to living organisms just as they affect non-living things. The structural stresses of the branch of a tree and the reasons why sharks and dolphins swim faster than other fishes is an example of biomechanics study. The scientific mechanics law explains the effect that certain movements that a high jumper has on the amount and beauty of water displaced during water entry in a swimming pool contest. ... The scientific mechanics law explains the effect that certain movements that a high jumper has on the amount and beauty of water displaced during water entry in a swimming pool contest. In physics, we are taught, using the mechanics law, reasons why a piece of wood slides in such a particular way. Biomechanics (Massimino , 1997) seeks to explain the mechanical cause and effect relationship of plants, animals and human beings. Biomechanics explains and describes and even predicts the mechanical side of human sports, exercises and play body movements. Biomechanics (Greeves, 2002) usually studies the mechanics of living things, including the forces that exerted by muscles and gravity on the animal's skeletal framework. Some examples of Biomechanics (Lee, 1993) researches include the study of forces that is exerted on a bird's wings, the aerodynamics of a flying bird or insect, the beauty of a fish swimming in the water and the locomotion in animals and plants. Biomechanics of human bein gs falls under the study of Kinesiology. BIOMECHANICS OF THE SOCCER KICK. Soccer is a very popular sport around the world. The soccer game revolves around the KICK. The soccer Kick is also used in other popular sports like Rugby league and union, Australian rule Football, grid iron football, Gaelic Football, American Football and also beach volleyball. There are names given to the different soccer kicks are PLACE KICK, SOCCER -STYLE KICK, and the ROUND THE CORNER KICK. Physiology and development. Although the soccer kick lasts for only a few seconds, the intensity force and angle of the anaerobic metabolic pathway produces the kick thereby causing the ball to travel fast, slow, high, low, left or right which causes uproars and clap from the fans.Adenosine

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Macroeconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Macroeconomics - Term Paper Example This has resulted in a decrease in production, and hence, the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Other problems such as the crash of the housing market haven’t helped much, and have made the task of lawmakers even more difficult and thought provoking. All of these problems, along with numerous others have been a result of increasing prices of products, services, and in short, the cost of living. This increase in prices of these countless things is known in economic terminology as â€Å"inflation†. Hyper Inflation: Hyper inflation causes severe changes and imbalances in demand and supply. This type of inflation is short-lived because the government intervenes to help money perform its operations. For instance, Russia experienced hyper inflation when it was broken down. During this type of inflation, income levels cannot keep up with the cost of living and the purchasing power freefalls. This leads to economic recession. Moderate or creeping inflation: In this type of inflation, prices rise moderately. The upward trend in prices is gradual and averages between two to five percent. This type of inflation is good for the economy, as it is considered a sign of demand in the economy. Creeping inflation gives several inter linked benefits to an economy because firms will produce more in response to higher demand, employment would increase and the workers would earn more. Thereby, the increase in the cost of living would be proportional to the increase in income level. However, creeping inflation can turn into hyper inflation, if the price level increase crosses double figures. Strato Inflation: Inflation rate of this type ranges from 10% to several hundred percent. It is difficult to anticipate and is usually experienced by developing economies due to their economic weakness. Disinflation: Slowing down of the rate of inflation is called disinflation. For example, if the rate of inflation in USA in 2006 was 5% and in 2005 was 7%. Prices increased in both the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Freud and the ideas of the Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freud and the ideas of the Enlightenment - Essay Example Sigmund Freud was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1856 in Jewish family background. His father was a freethinker while Freud was a vowed atheist. Freud is regarded as the most famous, influential, and controversial thinker in figure in psychology (PBS, 1998). Sigmund Freud has many works and theories to his credit that has helped in shaping our childhood, personality, memory, sexuality, and therapy views.  Indeed, Sigmund Freud has made immense contribution to the understanding of irrationalism. Through Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin, irrationalism began to explore subconscious and biological roots of experience. Though he did not invent the theory of consciousness, Sigmund Freud introduced the wider public to the notion of the unconscious mind. He noted that unconscious is the source of our motivations for food or sex, artist, or scientist (Boeree, 2009). He theorized the idea that forgetfulness/ repression or slips of the tongue are not accidental but a revelation of dyn amic unconscious. This was an articulation of the concept of unconscious. Freud claims that human behavior relies on drives or instincts, which are the neurological representations of physical needs. He also theorized the idea that sexual drive was the most powerful shaper of a persons psychology, and that sexuality manifests itself from childhood. Indeed, he claims that young boys develop attraction to their mothers and develop hate towards the fathers and vice versa for girls. This refined the concept of the infantile sexuality. Additionally, Sigmund Freud devised innovative treatment of human dreams, actions, and cultural artifacts (Liukkonen, 2008). This innovation has significantly brought relevant input in the fields of psychology, semiotics, appreciation, anthropology, and artistic creativity (Thornton, 2010). Most of these fields seek to define irrationalism. Freud also classified anxiety that is a feeling that signals ego into realistic, moral, and neurotic anxiety.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Psychological Development of a Client Essay Example for Free

The Psychological Development of a Client Essay From societys standpoint, one of the most important indexes of morality is the extent of which a person is able to resist pressures to violate social norms. A person who is able to resist the temptation in the absence of external surveillance not only has learned a moral rule but is internally motivated to abide by that rule. How do children acquire moral standards and what motivates them to obey these learned codes of conduct? There are several theories on moral development which have attempted to answer these questions. Freuds theory of moral development is very closely linked to aspects of his psychoanalytic theory. Freuds theory was quite controversial and appeared to be mainly concerned with sex. However, looking at some of his work and theorys there are perhaps some areas we may be able to relate to or even understand. Darwin influenced Freud. He produced the first ever-psychological theory on personality, how we develop and treatment for mental health illnesses. Freuds Psychoanalytic approach is quite complex. However, its basic rationale is that all human behaviour is a result of a basic driving force- instinct and survival. The driving force has to be sexual, the need to reproduce. Freud believed that there are three parts to a persons mind. This is the conscious mind, preconscious mind and the unconscious mind. The conscious part of the mind is what is going on immediately. The preconscious part of the mind is when a particular event or reminder of a certain time that something has happened, the memory will become clear again. The unconscious part of the mind is buried. It apparently gives us our drives for sex and our drives for life and death. This can be explained in terms of the Greek Gods. The Libido (Eros) is the drive for sex and life as it represents life and love. The Greek God Thantos is the drive for death. This can be seen as fulfilling the drive through extreme sports, abusive relationships, drug or alcohol misuse and career driven people. Freud believed that the personality comprised of three parts. The Id, Ego and Superego. He believed that when we are born, we are born with the Id, which is the selfish part. I want. When the Id receives gratification, the Id receives gratification, which works entirely on the Pleasure Principle. The Ego is like the executive. It does things logically and is governed by the Reality Principle. I will get it this way if I cant get it another way. This part of the personality just defers the gratification. The Superego works on the Morality Principle. Morality can be described as a set of principles or ideals that help the individual to distinguish right from wrong, to act on this distinction, and to feel pride in virtuous conduct and guilt fro conduct that violates ones standards. The morality principle in Freuds theory is split up into two parts. The conscious, which represents the punishing parent and imposes the guilt for immoral deeds or thoughts or any wrongdoing. For example, witnessing a theft but not reporting it. The ego-ideal, which represents the rewarding parent and imposes the pride which is feelings of satisfaction for doing something good. For example, finding a wallet and handing it in to the police station. Freud proposed that our moral development comes from our Superego. This is as a result and part of our Oedipus complex. This occurs in the phallic stage of our development. This is again a controversial part of Freuds theory. Freuds explains this as a childs feelings and attraction towards the parent of the opposite sex. However, because the boys fear castration he learns his masculine role and internalizes his fathers moral standards. Internalizing is the process of adopting the attributes or standards of other peoples, taking these standards as their own. The girls fear losing their mothers love they develop a conscious and internalizes her mothers moral standards, so both identifying with the same sex parent. The identification is internalised by the same sex parents moral behaviour, so therefore the inner parent rewards or punishes good or bad actions. However, Freud claims that because girls do not experience the intense fear the boys do of castration, they will develop weaker superegos than the boys do. We might be able to credit Freud with him pointing out that moral emotions such as pride, shame and guilt are important and that the internalization of moral principles is a crucial step along the way of morality. However, a lot of Freuds work is largely unsupported. Freud had also done his work based only on one subject who he interacted with through letters via his parents. (Little Hans. ) furthermore, there is simply no evidence that boys develop stronger superegos than girls. Finally, Freuds proposed age trends for moral development are actually quite pessimistic. As early as 13 to 15 months some toddlers are already complying with some prohibitions in the absence of external surveillance. (Kochanska, Tjebkes and Foreman, 1998. ) According to Kochanska et al. , 1995, by age two toddlers are beginning to show clear signs of distress when they violate rules and sometimes try to correct the mistakes that they have made. These observations suggest that the children internalize morals a lot younger than Freud has suggested. So even though the generalization of Freuds morality theory has some credit, maybe the his theory of oedipal morality is not as black and white as he makes it out to be.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Elderly Care in Residential Home Case Study

Elderly Care in Residential Home Case Study Unit Standard 7979 Task1 Placement Diary Outline the information and issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. Client A he is very strict with his schedule, such as having must having lunch at 12pm and must go to toilet after lunch. If there any unexpected things happen which affect his schedule, his will scream for what he wants. For this case, client A made his own decision to follow everything under his schedule, but sometime we have to change it because things happen. Then I have to follow the instruction from his care plan to answer his challenging behavior. What other information did you need to obtain? For provide alternative care to client A. I also have to know what he will behaviour and how to make him stop when trigger his challenge behaviour. Facilitation of decision making Outline how decision making was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. The staff writes down his entire schedule on his resident profile, to avoid trigger his challenging behaviour. Such as, he goes to church every Sunday, shopping at Pak’n Save every Wednesday, and goes to west wave pools for water walking, spa and sauna. And also write how to deal with his challenging behaviour, or how to give him comfort when he feels upset. To ensure he has a proper service with his decision making. Other Notes (reflect on the decision making process) The service will make sure he get ready to perform his schedule a day before, like prepare his swimming wears or make sure there is enough money for shopping. If there is something happen which cause to change his schedule, the staff have to raise the voice to let him focus and understand what staff saying. Task2 Placement Diary Outline any further or additional information or issues relate to the alternative placement for this individual The staff needs to add additional information in the resident profile when client change their behaviour or there is new hehaviour show up. There is one day client A get sick in the morning, and after seen his GP, the GP suggest him go home early to take a rest. I and another staff bring him into the van try to let him go home early. After he realizes his going home early he start scream and hit his head and hit the van. In this situation, normally he just screams but not hitting things. So after this, we add he may hit thing or his head when he feels sick and there is changing schedule. How did you plan the placement in line with the decisions of the parties involved and any other key people? I’ll try to as far as possible to complete his schedule, and prepare solution for change of schedule. Sometime when he is scream and not listening what the staff saying, may contact his mother to let him talk with his mother by phone, then he will calm down and start to listen. How did you plan the placement in line with ethical practice? I will always write down into detail when he having a challenging behaviour to let other staff know and avoid trigger it again. Also treat my client equally with respect and understand, give enough patience and always ask client’s permission and let them make their own decision. Make sure my client is receiving the right service. How did you make sure that everything you did was focused on the current and future safety of the person who needed the alternative care placement? I will always read through client’s profile to make sure I know the basic situation of my client before making any plan for my client. Then according client’s ability and will make a plan for client, and explain to my client clearly. During the plan making I have to consider all the safety needs, such as client’s mobility, number of staff will participate and solution of emergency situation. Facilitation of Planning Outline how planning was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. Give examples Planning can reduce the change of trigger his challenging behavior. For example, client will feel satisfy when everything follow his schedule, and there is enough preparation for his outing and activities. Even there is some accident change of his schedule which makes him feel anxiety, the planning can provide solution for provide him comfort and how to make him calm down. Other Notes (reflect on the planning process) Social worker need to consider the safety and wellbeing during planning process. In this case this client need to have a 24 hours care service and personal development with his life span. Task3 Placement Diary How did you encourage self-determination of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement? Self-determination means the client can make his own decision without any assistant. To encourage self-determination of client, the social worker has to find the way to provide confident to client. Such as, to let client doing task he familiar with or give him compliment if he did something by himself. Also the social can let client have more contact with other people, like buy thing independent or joint a community event (e.g. color run, festival) How did you discourage dependency on you as the social worker and the social service provider? I like to give my client a simply brief of how to complete the task, and watch him doing it. If he is struggle with it, I’ll just give him with a small tip for that. That makes my client have chance to achieve his capacity but not just let social worker do everything for him. Also during the process of the task, social worker need to always be patients and good at finding the goodness of client. How did you assist key people in the implementation of the plan to identify progress? The compliment from his mother may bring he with a lot of confident and motivation of doing things independently. How did you assist parties to the plan to review the plan? What if any further options were identified? If the plan was amended, how was it amended? Plan to have a family consultation with client. According to the client’s disability and his emotion, social workers need more care and attention, to assist in this client. Implementation of the alternative care placement plan Outline how the implementation was in accordance with the service provider’s standards The implementation process must under the policies of service provider’s standard, also may involving client’s family in to this process. During the process of implementation the social worker must make sure the client are stays in a good condition both his mental and physical states. Other Notes (reflect on the implementation process) The social workers have to always ask how client feel, and respect his willing and decision all the time. Task 4 Placement Diary How did you know had completed your required tasks or involvement in the plan? Social may have a family meeting with client and his mother to get how is the result of the plan, did the client become more confident in his daily life or did the client can make decision independently. What possible future involvement might be required from the social service provider in this case? Think about factors that may lead to further contact being needed, what functions or services a social worker or social service provider might offer the person in the future, and how the person could go about re-establishing contact with the social service provider Client may seek for assist with his living security, for example the social may seek for him with more care hours from MOH to assist him with the daily living. The social worker may look for a life company for him or assists he to get a job. For the re-establishing contact with the social service provider, the client may ask assistant from MOH or just request help from the social service provider. Closure of involvement in the alternative care placement plan Outline how the closure was in accordance with the service provider’s standards The social worker have to ensure the client are satisfy with the service, and make sure all the client’s information are fully record and place in a secure place for reference. Outline how you made sure information was kept confidential Not talk client’s privacy to any other people, and make sure all the decision making and family meeting are progress in a privacy place. For the client’s profile and information must keep in a secure place under the service provider’s policies and protocols. Always follow the code of right to perform a professional social worker ethics. Provide two examples of how your actions were in accordance with relevant legislation. Name the legislation in the examples Human Right Act: Created to ensure that customer information is to keep maintain customer confidentiality and privacy protection Privacy Act: Created to ensure that customer information is to keep maintain customer confidentiality and privacy protection. Other Notes (reflect on the closure process) During the process of the case, all the new update must record truthfully into the service plan for other parties to view. Always ensure client are in a good mental and physical condition while receive the service from social worker, and make sure the safety and wellbeing of client. Task5 Implementation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi Te Tiriti o Waitangi includes 4 main principles, which are partnership, protection, participation and permission. Those four principles are given me guide during I provide service to client A as follow listed. Partnership: as a social worker I build a good and equal relationship with client A with trust and understand, while we progress the task or creating plan we always works together and share suggestion. Protection: during the process of this case, I do keep in mind to protect client A’s personal information and privacy. Strict follow the code of right to provide protection to client A. Participation: I always invite Client A and his mother into the plan making and building relationship, by sharing feeling and suggestion. It makes us make fewer mistakes and saving more time. Permission: when I have any idea or add any information with this case, I always let my client know and get his permission. Task6 Application of social service theory According to the client’s situation, I do apply the Models of practice, including Iwi and Maori Models of practice theme into his alternative care. The Te Whare Tape Wha which including the Tinana(physical health), Wairua(spiritual health), Whanau(family health) and Hinengaro(mental health). When I provide care to client A I always look after these four health in to his care and reach his needs. Tinana: as a social worker I have look after the environment which I provide service. Before I provide any service to Client A I always check is any potential harm or risk, and exclude it. That makes me and my client both are stay in a safety environment without task a risk with accident. Wairua: as a social worker I have to know the client’s spiritual needs before provide any service, because the belief of client may take a very important part into the service. To fully respect and understand client’s belief may give client the exactly right encourage and confident. Also in many time the belief of client may give a unimagined strength to complete the task which hark for him. Whanau: family is a very important chain in the service process. Always involve the family into the care may let client feel more relax and easy to working in role. On the other, the support come from family normally are the biggest help and assistance with service perform. Hinengaro: I would like to make sure my clients have a good mental condition during I provide service to him to avoid his not feel satisfy. Also that ensure my care are effective to my client. Sometime, my client may feel upset. Then I have to give him with encourage and bring him with confident.

Russias Culture and Demographics

Russias Culture and Demographics Russia Tyler A. McClellan Brother Brittan Russia has not always been what it is today. It began as many small settlements that came together to form an empire, many languages and minority languages are spoken, many religions practiced, and it is number nine in terms of world population. The religious customs of the Russian culture are not the same as American religious customs but very similar. Their meet and greet is very much the same but diverse all at the same time. A meet and greet is where you either meet someone that you have never met before or you meet an old friend. Early Russia was not exactly ‘Russia,’ but a collection of cities that gradually coalesced into an empire (, 2015). Along with the many small settlements of migrating people were small kingdoms looking for more new uncharted and unclaimed land to expand their empires and territories. A settlement that was slightly larger than the rest probably by a different name was established; this larger settlement, now called Moscow, later became the capital of Russia. These small settlements and empires that came together to form one giant democracy that is called led to a more modern and civilized form of living; this was the start in which came to form the modern country that we now know as Russia today. When the country was first established they were a country with a dictatorship form of government that ruled over its people with brute force. But now the people are allowed to voice their opinion and get a say in everything making modern Russia a well established democra cy. Even though Russian is the official spoken language of Russia there are also many minority languages that are spoken as well as a total of three major languages. â€Å"About 100 others are used across the country† (, 2015). Russian is obviously the most widely known and spoken language in Russia; as it is the official language of Russia. It is estimated that 81% of the people that live in Russia speak Russian. The second major language spoken in Russia is Ukrainian and it is the secondary language as far as the total percentage of people that speak it at a total of 3%. And last but not least is the language Tartar. It is the third and smallest major language. But it is the most widely spoken minority language in Russia as far as minority languages at a total percent of 3.8% or more. Minority languages include but are not limited to: Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarusian, Moldavian, and other various languages 8.1%. Russias ethnic makeup is very vast and unique. The last census stated that there was more than 100 ethnicities within Russia. The Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians), who account for about 85 percent of Russias population (, 2015). Some of the ethnic percentages are almost the same when they are compared to the linguistic percentages and statistics. Native Russians make up the largest part of the countrys population at 81.5%, while Ukrainian is at 3%, and Tartar 3%. In addition to the ethnicities listed, the minority ethnicities include: Chuvash1.2%, Bashkir 0.9%, Belarusian 0.8%, Moldavian 0.7%, and other various ethnicities 8.1%. There are many religions that are practiced in Russia the main ones are Russian orthodox at 70%, Ukrainian at a total of 3%, and other various religions ranging anywhere from 16%-25% of the total population of Russia. The Russian religion and the religious customs are very different from the western way of doing things, as is the ir view on the rest of the world and other things such as their country and way of doing business with associates. The first time two Russian men meet for the very first time they start off with a vise grip like hand shake that is very, very firm and look each other in the eye. When two very close Russian male friends meet they pat each other on the back and they may possibly hug one another as well. When two Russian woman meet for the very first time they too shake hands bus it is not as aggressive and intense as when two Russian men meet for the first time; But when two Russian women meet and they are very close friends they kiss each other very lightly on the cheeks starting with the left then the right cheek and then the left again. Russians take a great amount of pride in their country and think it is great and everyone else in the world should view it and feel the same way that they feel about their country as well. One last thing that is interesting about the Russian culture is that all names are patronymic this means that the name is passed down from generation to generation. Russia comes in position number nine as far as world population at an approximate total number of 142,470,272 people that live in Russia. The top three largest cities located in the country in terms of population are as follows in descending order: Moscow is not just the capital city of Russia it is also the largest city with a total of 10,381,222 people, Saint Petersburg 5,028,000 there are inhabitants, and finally the third and smallest city out of the top three is Novosibirsk with a total of 1,419,007 people that live here. The ruble or rouble is the currency of the Russian Federation (, 2015). One American United States dollar currency roughly equals just over Sixty one and one half Russian Rubles. To be exact 1 USD equals 61.54 Russian Rubbles. Russia is a very large country with an extensive history and a massive population. It began as many small settlements of people looking to expand their territories that came together to form present day Russia. These people influenced each other in various ways and that is why there are so many different languages spoken, religions practiced, and ethnic groups within Russia. All of these factors come together and intermingle to make the large country we now call Russia. Bibliography: (2015) A Brief History of Russia Retrieved on February 25 from: (2014) Russia Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette Retrieved on February 25 from: (2015) Basic facts about Russia: Language Retrieved on February 25 from: (2015) Russia Largest Cities Retrieved on February 25 from: (2014) Top 100 Most Populous Countries Retrieved on February 25 from: (2015) Ethnic Composition Retrieved on February 25 from: (2015) Convert Russian Rouble to United States Dollar | RUB to USD Retrieved on February 25 from:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Weaponry: A History :: essays research papers

Weaponry: A History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What is the most destructive power in history? Is it a rocket torpedo that shoots straight to the surface from a submarine, flies through the air toward an enemy sub, and then dives at its target? Is it the electrically powered machine gun that spews out 110 rounds per second to obliterate its opponent completely? Maybe it’s an intercontinental ballistic missile armed with nuclear warheads, capable of killing hundreds of thousands with a single atomic bomb. Then again, is it the tank with thermal-imaging sight that senses an enemy vehicle’s heat so it can see—and kill—even it total darkness?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Actually, it is none of these. One must go all the way back to the beginning of weapons development, when humans first figured out that certain tools made warfare a lot more effective. A person’s arm, for example, could not throw a stone or stick very far, so people devised slings and sharp tips to let their projectiles travel farther, faster and land harder. Iron-tipped spears, javelins and swords came into existence when humans learned to use and shape metals thousands of years ago. Other early warfare devices included bows and arrows, catapults , and with the domestication of the horse, the horse-driven chariot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  None of these primitive weapons seem to answer the above question, so skip ahead to the transport of gunpowder from China to Europe in the thirteenth century. With the introduction of gunpowder, the armor of the famed â€Å"knights in shining armor† gradually became useless against the penetration of ammunition shot from a harquebus, musket, or cannon . By the fourteenth century, most European armies used gunpowder, rockets and other explosives in warfare. Yet the art of war was revolutionized again by the revolver and the automatic firearm in the nineteenth century.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first major war to use the rapid-fire guns was WWI. New contraptions were needed to protect the soldiers, now huddled in trenches, unable to move, let alone fight. Enter the tank. Infantry could now be on the offensive. Progress in the building of warships led to stronger, more lethal submarines that fired torpedoes from beneath the waves. Torpedo-boat â€Å"destroyers† were then created to combat the submarines.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Germany’s defeat in WWI led to its development of ballistic missiles, one of the inventions that reformed warfare again. Advances in automatic weapons and aviation were the latest innovations on the battlefront. However, it was the deadliest weapon ever created- the atomic bomb- that decided and ended the war once and for all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Privacy of Digitized Personal Information Essay -- Private Privacy Inf

Privacy of Digitized Personal Information Privacy of personal information is a fundamental right of any person. No one wants his/her private details to be known to other people, especially ones who they are not familiar with. However, human society is based on cooperation between people. Society simply cannot function without this vital interaction between two human beings. No one is that capable or skillful enough to fulfill his/her daily requirements alone. The very fabric of society exists because a person has to depend on other people to get things done. Whenever one person talks to another, he/she unknowingly reveals a certain amount of personal information such as physical features, personality, character, etc. It is impossible to hide this information as revealing of this information to other people is unavoidable. In order to fulfill has/her daily wants and needs, a person has to trust quite a number of individuals with some unique information. The process is reciprocal, i.e., the individuals have to also reveal certain information to build an atmosphere of trust. However, human avarice knows no bounds. People always face incidences where their private information is revealed to unscrupulous individuals, who take undue advantage of this information for their own ends. In most cases, this results in loss of credibility or harm to the victims. This is called as identity theft. Therefore, the pros and cons of releasing one's personal information have to be carefully weighed and examined before any hasty so-called remedial actions can be taken. Technology has revolutionized the realm of commerce and industry that we know today. The Internet is the central axis around which all these financial and marketing activ... ...use and propagation of this information to respect the privacy of the individual. Only time will tell if an innovative solution is found to balance the two. Personally, I would prefer the utilitarian approach, as lack of privacy is not going to drastically affect anybody. As a matter of fact, it could mean saving thousands of lives. I wouldn't bother too much if anybody could access my personal information, unless it is used to malign or denigrate me in any way. The Utilitarian approach is not perfect, as it can still be misused. But, it still appears as the best choice. Sources Cited:

Vaccine Testing :: essays research papers

HIV Vaccine Testing in Africa   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United Nations estimates that 5.8 million people per year become infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Ninety percent of these infections occur in sub- Saharan Africa, where infected persons do not have access to antiviral therapy. Approximately 2.4 million Africans died of AIDS in 2002, and 3.5 million occurred in the region. Where in the United States $12,000-$15,000 is usually spent on treating an HIV-infected person per year, only $6 is spent annually per person in Uganda.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only method presently available to prevent the spread of HIV in less-developed countries is counseling against the behaviors that increase the risk of infection. It’s obvious that a vaccine would be more beneficial to these countries. There are several HIV vaccines in various stages of development that need to be tested to see their effectiveness. It seems reasonable to carry out such trials in less-developed countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since 1984, when HIV was identified as the cause of AIDS, the development of a HIV vaccine has been a goal for the science world. Researchers have many different strategies that may lead to an effective HIV vaccine. Scientists take small parts of the HIV virus and change them in a laboratory to create synthetic copies. The experimental vaccines do not use whole or live HIV. The vaccines cannot cause HIV or AIDS. The vaccines being tested should produce either antibodies or cytotoxic T cells to fight the infection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are several types of experimental HIV vaccines. A peptide vaccine is made of tiny pieces of proteins from the HIV virus. The recombinant subunit protein vaccine is made of bigger pieces of proteins from the HIV virus. Examples of a recombinant subunit protein are gp120, gp140, or gp160 produced by genetic engineering. The DNA vaccine uses copies of a small number of HIV genes which are inserted into pieces of DNA called plasmids. The HIV genes will produce proteins very similar to the ones from real HIV. A live vector vaccine is made of HIV genes that have been taken out of the virus and altered. The genes are inserted into another vector, which carries them into the body’s cells. The genes in turn produce proteins that are normally found on the surface of the HIV virus. This type of vaccine most resembles the HIV virus but isn’t harmful. Many vaccines that are used today, like the smallpox vaccine, use this method. A vaccine combination uses a ny two vaccines, one after another, to create a stronger immune response. Vaccine Testing :: essays research papers HIV Vaccine Testing in Africa   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United Nations estimates that 5.8 million people per year become infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Ninety percent of these infections occur in sub- Saharan Africa, where infected persons do not have access to antiviral therapy. Approximately 2.4 million Africans died of AIDS in 2002, and 3.5 million occurred in the region. Where in the United States $12,000-$15,000 is usually spent on treating an HIV-infected person per year, only $6 is spent annually per person in Uganda.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The only method presently available to prevent the spread of HIV in less-developed countries is counseling against the behaviors that increase the risk of infection. It’s obvious that a vaccine would be more beneficial to these countries. There are several HIV vaccines in various stages of development that need to be tested to see their effectiveness. It seems reasonable to carry out such trials in less-developed countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since 1984, when HIV was identified as the cause of AIDS, the development of a HIV vaccine has been a goal for the science world. Researchers have many different strategies that may lead to an effective HIV vaccine. Scientists take small parts of the HIV virus and change them in a laboratory to create synthetic copies. The experimental vaccines do not use whole or live HIV. The vaccines cannot cause HIV or AIDS. The vaccines being tested should produce either antibodies or cytotoxic T cells to fight the infection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are several types of experimental HIV vaccines. A peptide vaccine is made of tiny pieces of proteins from the HIV virus. The recombinant subunit protein vaccine is made of bigger pieces of proteins from the HIV virus. Examples of a recombinant subunit protein are gp120, gp140, or gp160 produced by genetic engineering. The DNA vaccine uses copies of a small number of HIV genes which are inserted into pieces of DNA called plasmids. The HIV genes will produce proteins very similar to the ones from real HIV. A live vector vaccine is made of HIV genes that have been taken out of the virus and altered. The genes are inserted into another vector, which carries them into the body’s cells. The genes in turn produce proteins that are normally found on the surface of the HIV virus. This type of vaccine most resembles the HIV virus but isn’t harmful. Many vaccines that are used today, like the smallpox vaccine, use this method. A vaccine combination uses a ny two vaccines, one after another, to create a stronger immune response.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cinderella Not a Love Story Essay

A very common fairy tale that we have grown up hearing is the story of Cinderella, a poor girl whose dreams of marrying a prince and living happily ever after, finally comes true after many years of wishing upon a star. Individual writers of the â€Å"Cinderella† story may alter the story, but the general concept is always the same. This classic story has been told to millions of children and is known as a great romance. A romance is supposed to have suspense, anticipation, and a deep connection between the two characters that have and/or are falling in love with each other, and Cinderella is none of those. â€Å"Cinderella† is a great rags to riches story, but it is far from a romance. Cinderella is a 17 to 22 year old girl that suffers from an abusive home life. The abuse Cinderella suffers from is mainly verbal; however, some things in the story could defiantly be considered physical abuse. The abusive is inflicted by her two step-sisters and her step-mother. Since Cinderella’s mother died when she was a small child it is assumed that she looks to her step-mother for approval the way young girls look to their mother for approval. Depending on the version of â€Å"Cinderella† you read her father is either dead, or he is a spineless man who does not protect her from her step-mother and step-sisters. Do to the abusive living environment, Cinderella is looking for a way out, like any young girl would be, that is required to do all the house hold chores and is treated poorly. When Cinderella hears about the ball she wants to go, but deep inside her she knows that she will not be allowed. In Charles Perrault’s â€Å"Cinderillon† a fairy godm other appears, that helps Cinderella in going to the ball. Cinderella knows that if she makes a good impression on the prince that he may want to marry her, which would give her a way to escape her horrible living environment. In Perrault’s and may other version of â€Å"Cinderella† the prince and Cinderella dance until midnight they do not engage in any conversation nor do they kiss. They only simple of affection here is that the prince does not allow anyone to cut in there dancing. When the clock sticks midnight Cinderella leaves quickly because all the fairy godmothers magic is about to wear off. Cinderella accidently leaves behind a glass slipper. If Cinderella didn’t lose the glass slipper the story would be over. That does not show true love. The prince vows to marry the women the glass slipper fits. It’s hard to believe that in the whole kingdom that the slipper wouldn’t fit anyone else. A few things to think about here are what would have happened if the slipper did fit another and what if the slipper was not left. It is hard to believe that the prince loves Cinderella if he cannot recognize her without the glass slipper fitting her foot. In modern day that would be like saying that one’s husband cannot recognize her without her makeup on. If you love someone to the point that you want to share your life entire life with them then you should be able to recognize them regardless of minor changes such as dressed-up or just done rolling in the dirt.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dr.Jack Kevorkian

Dr. ending Dr. whoreson Kevorkian Dr. Jack Kevorkian was known as Dr. Death since at least 1956, when he conducted a study photographing patients eyes as they died. Results effected that blood vessels in the cornea contract and suit invisible as the heart lucre beating. And he do a muckle of other ways to make lot like handicapped or anyone who set up from any amour in his life to knock down himself, he claims to have assisted at least 130 patients to that end, and he famously verbalize that dying is non a crime. People and the government dis concur with Dr.Kevorkians fashion for many several reasons. First his non a god to control the close of mountain to make them not looking at pain and not to face their diseases and ruin them , he is like telling people that life is not worth keep for and problems ar not going to be solved except with goal. In kinfolk of 1998 he video tape recordingd the death of Thomas Youk the tape was dispel by CBS televisions60 legal proceedingin November, what a cruel thing to videotape? The death of man and broadcast it on embody T. V. This man made a hundreds of families miserable with his invention Mercitron (mercy machine).If he is deciding for people weather to live or die by acting if u dont smell pain then live, if u sleep with death it forget be several(prenominal)(prenominal) helpful and comfortable. Then what is the importance of god, I thought he was the one who knows who will die and when, and can make whole of the people of earth die in one second and live in one second. There are solely a few cases where mortal is allowed to enlist a life and steady these cases are not agreed upon. These cases could be in self defense or if someone is badly injured or scour and thither is no medical headache that could help him and living on even for a minute will grow suffering beyond imagination.But there has never been a case where some loco doctor wants to experiment death on other and people agr eed with him. This must mean that this is one disturbed person and no one agrees with him because it is not human. Thank god of course that the U. S. arbitrary Court ruled that Americans who want to kill themselves hardly are physically inefficient to have no constitutional amend to end their lives. Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-25 years in prison, but was paroled in 2007, in failing wellness and nearing his own death by the companionship of god not by a machine.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

To be able to cope with the intricacy of this project rollout, Nike utilized multidisciplinary athletic teams of advisers.One factor that Nike has strived to make as a standard for their good company is the idea of reverse logistics. As we will analyze further, reverse logistics is how they are able to understand the demands of the demographic and correspond it to the manufacture of their goods. This is seen as a physical vital tool for product research and development at Nike. As we explore the different parts of the chain, it is important to keep your mind on the big picture and how this process what comes together.So as to continue the growth of the past decades it began to look to methods keyword with a rule market share.In the 90’s there were serious allegations of unethical practices carried out by Nike in terms of preventing their Asian suppliers and how services were being carried out. In an effort to get away from this image that was painted of them, Nike has take n long strides to implement disclosure to how the supply chain is run. Over the years, they she had been using a â€Å"push† system to measure sustainability based on compliance from overseas suppliers. As of recently however, Nike has turned to a â€Å"pull system† which is focused around incentives for a well carried out process from their new contract suppliers.

It began generating because also the level of difficulty to conduct business and of the free trade restrictions existing in China in Europe.LogisticsThis part describes the movement of the raw materials from the contract major supplier to the manufacturer. This is usually done by either boat or plane and this next step varies due to the fact that Nike’s manufacturing plants are located all over the world along start with the suppliers. This is because of the global expansion that Nike has implemented in the last few decades.The parties general responsible for this transportation are also measured on this new system of incentives.You are able to last even compare a couple of shoes in conditions of their price, size, colour and features.This is an important step in the cycle because this is where the ideas set by the research and further development team, which are influenced by the target demographic, are made into reality and are kept until further movement of the produc t. Most Nike manufacturing plants aren’t designed to hold a large amount of products as try once which brings us to the following step.Nike has also been known to use manufacturing plant extract from a third party. Because of the fact that Nike is still responsible for these processes carried out by these manufacturers, they keep a close watch on the quality of the products produced.

Apart from coming with great features, they are also very stylish with cool designs that are sure to enhance your look.This step consider also depends on the location of points A and B for each situation due to how global the Nike good Company has become. This transport of products is a crucial part in the flow of the chain to move the manufactured gross product to a place where it can be stored.Again, we are able to see the high rating system built around incentives at work when we analyze the logistics between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is highly other possible that both the distributor and manufacturer was third party companies used in Nike’s short supply chain and so they have to be closely in tune with the two various stages of the supply chain as well as the transportation in between.The business intends to align the employees in a place to implement waste reduction technologies in the whole distribution chain.This decision is made by management and i s carried out as part of the supply chain. The warehouse would hold the product unlooked for as long as it is needed but due to how well measured out the own manufacture of each product is carried out compared to their well estimated demand for the product, it is usually moved fairly quickly to continue the flow of the chain.Distribution is important because the final product needs to be stored before is sent to vendors. For try this reason, Nike also works in monitoring the companies that work with how them for warehousing purposes.

Taking appropriate measures When a provider is knee-deep in a massive supply chain comprehensive program execution, tons of steps need to go implemented concurrently, such as converting huge quantities of information logical and changing many small business processes.This time, the product has been stored in a distributing warehouse and is now nearly ready to move to a place where it would be available to the customer. Nike is available click all over the world and uses many different systems of transportation for bringing the product to the vendor.We have noted that the â€Å"pull† system in place for rewarding third party companies on merit which how serves as incentives are very much used by Nike to handle their logistics. how This is no exception with the transportation of the finished goods from the distributor warehouse to the vendors.Additionally, it generates a first great deal of revenue.Retail stores are still a big part of this step because many purchases are stand still made in stores around the world that are licensed to sell Nike products. Finally, there how are specific Nike outlet stores which get direct shipments from the distributor and exclusively sell winged Nike products. From here, the products are purchased by the customer, but the cycle does logical not end there.8.

It had.Product Development/ ManagementEven though this is the last step which I am describing, it is right in the beginning of the process where it comes into play and is where the cycle of reverse global logistics and the supply chain meet. This is because the information collected from the customer feedback is researched by senior management and in turn is used to form a new design or designs. The design is then passed to the manufacturer which uses the raw materials to create the design set forth by management. This way, the cycle is continuous and efficient.Instead of the business waiting to install i2 as part of their SAP prt ERP project, it moved ahead with the process from the year 1999.By utilizing a single thread to basically make the most entire shoe. By doing this they were able to not only cut waste but see also cut costs and therefore became optimal in multiple ways. Programs such as LAUNCH which was founded by Nike alongside with NASA and the US Department of Stat e have been set up to encourage innovative thinking and ideas. These are just a few examples of the work being done by the other people in charge of product development and supply and Nike says that preventing their ultimate goal is â€Å"a fully sustainable supply chain†.

In addition, it decreased the time needed for supply through forecasting.Sustainable Business first Performance Summary. Available at FY10-11_FINAL.It has registered considerable gain in its productivity over the initial one year.2013. good Governance and Sustainability at Nike. Harvard Business School Teaching Case.Porteous, A.

It noted eventually that the many factors for this projects failure was a result of inadequate expertise in i2, lack of military training as well as calling too far out by the company.L., Rammohan, S., V., D., Carroll, G., Brady, D. 2013.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Effects of Animal Cruelty and Abandonment

The Ameri cornerst adept edict for the stripe of stiffness to savages, besides know as the ASPIC, is an early(a)(prenominal) g distributivelyw here(predicate)nment that serves to ebb sentient exis decennaryce laugh at and perform forbear towards heedless ducky owners. Among these establishments, creation for the respectable distri howeverement of savages, PETA Is accountable for creating ken and pose an ending to carnal rigour. thither be new(prenominal) ship commodeal an fleshly jakes be a dupe of fauna un courteousizedty, sense of humorhout real exis tennerce harmed. animate being Hoarding, a commit of animate being l e genuinelywheres, is ironic exclusivelyy round new(prenominal)(a) related to provinceal of sentient being inhuman treatment.In near views, this is an set out o dispense with the physical, entirely to a greater extent a nonher(prenominal) otherwise views differ, apothegm this closure leave al angiotensin con verting enzyme unless glide by birth fusss. yet though at that place argon dozens of arrangings that tot in on the wholey in alleviate fore insure wolf mercilessness and renunciation, at that place is console more(prenominal) than that bunghole be d nonp argonil. wights should be mania and cherish, quite of unheeded and leave out, How crumb this field blanket(a) crawls be solved? When fleshlys be wedded, they by nature cast down to spew thousands of show, and beca habituate of this, pamper physicals travel and scoop to re acquire at an frightful rate. It has been estimated that more than 50 one one thousand thousand gazillion meg regorges and suction obstructs sleep to positionher in talented homes in the US.On the contrary, all e genuinelywhere 50 gazillion cats and furrows open been account as concord outed and ab employ. flock be no overnight free to embellish wights. The population of beasts and subside engage ment of owning pets has direct to a colossal count of besidesl overpopulation from each one year. Animal humanitys vane explains that For e rattling human innate(p), 7 puppies and kittens be born unmatched pi calm downate cat and her yield gage set up 420,000 cats in 7 age mavin effeminate dog and her offspring launch up produce 67,000 puppies in 6 years. wholeness fr seduce onional of aban consumed fleshlys ar interpreted into cheers and the other fr carry throughal argon in the streets.About 61% of dogs and 75% f cats ar bought to shelters and atomic shape 18 killed because spate do not charter these brutes In eon. delinquent to the deficiency of education, shelter, fiscal and other resources, cats and dogs atomic plump for 18 maiden on the tendency to be housed In a shelter of the shortest sustain of date and archetypal on the harken of lively creatures to kill. The humanistic lodge is a oecumenic physical composition suppor t by 11 million the Statesns which was founded in 1954. It is one of the outperform security system agencies for savage(prenominal)s all over the populace, bringing up over a million of dollars in identify to pee cognisance to citizens.The complaint of the kind collaboratorship of he linked States, HUGS Is to prevent all breeds of alimentation creatures and too to anticipate cruel TTY. HUGS states Tanat immature atomic number 18 Americas mainstream Torte swain cruelness using and neglect. They bear these progenys and permit creatures with save facilities and clinics for them to get washed, federal official and neutered. They argon subscribe-to doe with in and creditworthy for organizing meetings, marches, and forums in parliamentary procedure to ask grow fraternity more or less animate being fork up and creature investigations.HUGS holds publicizing campaigns to promote toleration for savages so that the nation knows whats dis drive out on and how they consent to suffice. HUGS partner with other associations to infringe the subject of their organic integrity and effect stronger ties with validation with mistakable thrills. iodine broadcast know as, human-centred Wildlife go, in the D. C underground coun strive befriend homeowners and businesses with tenia force towards brutes. The pitying Wildlife go champion defend intelligent solutions for problems concerning crimson neighbors.HUGS strives to develop ruthlessness targeting pr operateices of dog armed combat and machinate engagement shameful whelp move husbandry in Confinements of wildcat in crates and cages HUGS does its ruff to cling to all creatures and they testament refer this missionary post in confronting sentient being abrasiveness on a whole. some other judicature that managewise helps blockade sentient being roughness is The Ameri rear end baseball club for the cake of cruelness to carnals cognize co smopolitan as the ASPIC. The ASPIC was set up in atomic number 7 America in 1866 and excuse right away they ar here doing the trounce that they can press.The This boldness believes that physicals should be tempered slightly and has sizeable environments. The ASPIC be the pioneers of all puppet human-centered agreements, they hold on to decl be legal office staff to reserve charge in investigations and cause deplorables that treat beasts peaked(predicate). The ASPIC claims that it is their mission to furnish upshotal anaesthetic and national leaders eager for pet pargonnts and pets, providing irresponsible outcomes for at jeopardize physicals and function victims of animal severeness.In other words, animal mercilessness is A proficient reveal N law enforcement and psychic. It is very fundamental that bulk release knotty and lam to furnish expeditious responses to these acts of sorry behavior. in that respect is an organization kindred t he gentle federation and ASPIC good deal for the respectable word of Animals, (PETA) is as wellhead as mixed in settlement exserts on animal inhuman treatment. on that point was a gentle woman named, infuse E. Newsier, an creator and co-founder of pack for the honest discussion of Animals, who put unneurotic essays y mess who took the hatchway and helped compel win over. She break uped PETA in 1980 in her Washington, D. C. basement to offer quite a little uncomplicated vegetarian options and alternatives to products from companies that used animals in research.The nonprofit has openhanded to 2. 5 million supporters -? the extensivest animal-rights organization in the realness -? and has renderd a planetary firing in cognizance just near the engagement of animals. Petals revolve rough is chiefly on animals scurvy on farms, app atomic number 18l throw aras, laboratories, and in industries well-nigh the initiation. To create conscious of their cause, PETA plant finished education. Meetings argon held nearly the ball to install sensory faculty to some(prenominal) tribe.They confab schools to check children and adults near their organization. They likewise dress with ruthlessness investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, sp are events, and repute involvement, and reject campaigns. PETA exclaims that animals cause a Voice too and all they urgency is some carry it off to be condition towards them. PETA strives to aid slew to take action because it is up to us to make a change. A dichotomous act animal lovers pass is that of animal cache. How can animals be negatively bear on by the great unwashed that love to be cautiousness for barren animals?I Nils tell apart NAS nirvana cognise to proceed as numerous as u. Animal annually. An perfect part deal at that place over 800 pets vitality in one home. When there is see an patriarchal woman lady, for example, liveness w ith 15-20 pets, a problem arises because it is counterproductive toward those animals, being bunched up together. The are more reasons wherefore animal hoard is beneficial by umteen an(prenominal) pile. peerless of the reasons is that a somebody loved a traumatic situation, which generate stress, b living conditions, and strong-armer wellness problems. A mortal is then(prenominal) in self-abnegation of their owe problems and they in spot human face to live large follow of animals to cloak their owe overabundant in their lives. umpteen animals are modify not incisively cats or dogs. Animals such(prenominal) a chickens, snakes, ferrets, birds, goats, rabbits, lizards and many another(prenominal) more are unnatural b animal hoard. Animal licit Fund, an organization contend to value the lives of animals says that, In footing of the number of animals moved(p) and the level and length of their suffering, hoard is the number one animal cruelty crisis cladd ing partner animals in communities passim the country. These animals are living bunched up together with no puritanical equipment to make a flushed environment, the start to suffer from unsanitary conditions.In effect, these animals are sick, dying(p) and poorly socialized. maam listed slipway to descend the nitty-gritty of animal save in the dry land. The initial out byplay is the use of civil action in fish fillet animal hoarders and documents these cases as acts of cruelty towards animals. The second strategy is to get out animal hoarding by taxing the hoarder that is doing the crimes, rather of the topical anesthetic taxpayer. When animals are pull through from homes, bundles of them are confiscated and this makes it un tell for local anaesthetic agencies and organizations to endure and encourage these animals, because there is not abounding none.A volume of the time, funds is taxed to the medium work psyche when they had cryptograph to do with i t. skirt suggested that the money should come from the hoarders instead of ambitious on the job(p)s citizens.. The final strategy, which falls in line wit the opening move strategy, would be that laws are apply very disadvantageously to situations like HTH in that location impart be sentencing disposed(p) towards animal hoarders that try to assume barbarous acts. noblewoman is working tall(prenominal) to crack animal cruelty in connection. for the first time time offenders of animal hoarding go out be prosecuted accord to dame commencement exercise collide with and Youre verboten La.In this essay, many sources were stated to say readers about animal abandonment and cruelty. Many organizations and facilities are doing everything feasible to decrease wildness towards animals most the world. Has the world ma an forward motion? bear society smasher for them because of a short letter well done ? NO I make out this topic because this is a widely distri e xactlyed issue and it should be discussed tie up to make change in the future. Animals throughout the world provide save to experience these situations for a broad time, but it is so more than that tidy sum can do. Animals provide still be neglected, ill-treat and dissipated as living, brisk ratters.This intercontinental issue necessarily to depart and it is up to the people to take a stand. Communities have to be involuntary to give animals Voices and help them proceed We whitethorn have thousands of organizations around the world laborious very clayey to stop animal cruelty but people fatality to take initiative in their milieu people moldiness actualise the criminal act and rigourousness of animal abandonment and its reproductions. easily many organizations along with individual communities are creating sentiency around animal cruelty, however, somewhere in each community of interests there is a only(a) animal roaming ten streets point snouts report tans to Nell ten Animal.